Database of cinema, music, history and literature

white nights (1985)

Original title: white nights
Production: USA|135 min|
Dramatic, Action, Political
Poster of movie white nights
kolya rodchenko is a soviet dancer who has been a refugee in the united states for years. a mechanical failure forces the plane on which it is flying to japan to land in siberia. here the russian secret service, in the person of the ambiguous chaiko, holds him back with the aim of pointing him out, for example, as a repentant fugitive. the kgb forces raymond greenwood, a black american dancer who lives in russia since the american intervention in vietnam, to spy on kolya's movements. between the two the inevitable confrontation, also on an artistic level, gradually turns into a bond of friendship.

Festivals and awards


Taylor HackfordTaylor Hackfordregista

Production and Screenplay

Taylor HackfordTaylor Hackfordproduttore
James Goldmansceneggiatore
Eric Hughessceneggiatore
William S.gilmoreproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Nikolay Rodchenko, ballerino
nikolai 'kolya' rodchenko
Raymond Greenwoo, ballerino
Gregory HinesGregory Hines(età:39)
raymond greenwood
Gregory HinesGregory Hines(età:39)
Darya Greenwood
colonel chaiko
Galina Ivanova
Helen MirrenHelen Mirren(età:40)
Anne Wyatt
col. Chaiko, agente KGB
John GloverJohn Glover(età:41)
Maryam D'aboMaryam D'abo(età:25)
Shane RimmerShane Rimmer(età:56)
Stefan GryffStefan Gryff(età:47)
Ian Liston(età:37)
Benny Young(età:36)

Technical staff

ManFredric Steinkampmontatore
William Steinkampmontatore
David WatkinDavid Watkindirettore della fotografia
Evangeline Harrisoncostumista
Evangeline Harrisonscenografo
Richard Dawkingscenografo
Philip Harrisonscenografo
Malcolm MiddletonMalcolm Middletonscenografo
Austen Spriggsscenografo
Lionel RichieLionel Richiemusiche
Twyla Tharpcoreografo
Stephen Bishopmusiche
Joanne Woollardscenografo
Austin Spriggsscenografo