Database of cinema, music, history and literature

will penny (1968)

Original title: will penny
Production: USA|104 min|
Western, Dramatic, Adventure


Tom GriesTom Griesregista

Production and Screenplay

Tom GriesTom Griessceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Charlton HestonCharlton Heston(età:45)
(will penny)
Joan HackettJoan Hackett(età:34)
(catherine allen)
Donald PleasenceDonald Pleasence(età:49)
(predicatore quint)
Bruce DernBruce Dern(età:32)
(rafe quint)
Ben JohnsonBen Johnson(età:50)
(alex, responsabile del ranch)
Slim PickensSlim Pickens(età:49)
(ike walterstein)
Clifton JamesClifton James(età:48)
Anthony ZerbeAnthony Zerbe(età:32)
Roy JensonRoy Jenson(età:41)
(boetius sullivan)
(anse howard)
(g.d. spradlin)
Quentin Dean(età:24)
William SchallertWilliam Schallert(età:46)
(dottor fraker)
Lydia ClarkeLydia Clarke(età:45)
(signora fraker)
Robert Luster
(shem bodine)
Matt Clark(età:32)
(romulus quint)
Anthony Costello(età:30)
Gene Rutherford(età:29)
(rufus quint)
Chanin Hale(età:40)
Jon GriesJon Gries(età:11)
(horace (accreditato come jon francis))
Lee MajorsLee Majors(età:29)

Technical staff

Elmer BernsteinElmer Bernsteinmusiche
Lucien BallardLucien Ballarddirettore della fotografia
Hal PereiraHal Pereirascenografo
ManRoland Andersonscenografo
Warren Lowmontatore
David RaksinDavid Raksinmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1968)

Dhia CristianiDhia Cristiani Voice of Catherine
Renato TuriRenato Turi Voice of Will
Corrado GaipaCorrado Gaipa Voice of Alex