Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Wisteria Lodge (1988)

Original title: wisteria lodge
Production: UK|52 min| tv series
Dramatic, Crime, Mystery
a bored holmes eagerly accepts a case involving the disappearance of an amateur spanish cartographer as well as his servants from his rented country lodge.

Origin of the subject


Peter Hammondregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Coxproduttore esecutivo
June Wyndham-daviesproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Freddie JonesFreddie Jones(età:61)
Jeremy BrettJeremy Brett(età:55)
Basil Hoskins(età:59)

Technical staff

Patrick Gowersmusiche
David Odddirettore della fotografia
Tim Wildingscenografo
Sue Miltontruccatore
Judi Hayfieldcasting
Denver Hallcostumista