Database of cinema, music, history and literature

WolfWalkers (2020)

Original title: wolfwalkers
Production: France, UK, USA|103 min
Animation, Fantasy, Adventure
Poster of movie WolfWalkers
a young apprentice hunter and her father journey to ireland to help wipe out the last wolf pack. but everything changes when she befriends a free-spirited girl from a mysterious tribe rumored to transform into wolves by night.

Festivals and awards


Tomm MooreTomm Mooreregista
Ross Stewartregista

Production and Screenplay

Paul Youngproduttore
Didier Brunnerproduttore
Katja Schumannproduttore
Jericca Clelandscrittore
Tomm MooreTomm Mooreproduttore
Tomm MooreTomm Moorescrittore
Will Collinssceneggiatore
Eric Beckmanproduttore
David Jesteadtproduttore
Stéphan Roelantsproduttore
Ross Stewartscrittore
Celine Haddadproduttore esecutivo
Thibaut Rubyproduttore
Gerry Shirrenproduttore
Damien Brunnerproduttore
Fabien Renelliproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

robyn goodfellowe
mebh óg mactíre
bill goodfellowe
lord protector
seán óg
moll mactíre
stringy woodcutter, ned
stumpy woodcutter
sheep farmer
street children
additional voices

Technical staff

Bruno CoulaisBruno Coulaismusiche
Darren T. Holmesmontatore
Tomm MooreTomm Moorescenografo
Louise Kielycasting
Ross Stewartscenografo
Richie Codymontatore
Darragh Byrnemontatore
Maria Parejascenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2020)

Francesca FiorentiniFrancesca Fiorentini Voice of moll mactíre
Massimo BitossiMassimo Bitossi Voice of bill goodfellowe
Christian IansanteChristian Iansante Voice of lord protector
Cinzia Virale Voice of robyn goodfellowe
Pasquale AnselmoPasquale Anselmo Voice of seán óg
Sofia FronziSofia Fronzi Voice of mebh óg mactíre

Version Originale(2020)

Maria Doyle KennedyMaria Doyle Kennedy Voice of moll mactíre
Sean BeanSean Bean Voice of bill goodfellowe
Nora Twomey Voice of Bridget
Simon McburneySimon Mcburney Voice of lord protector
Honor KneafseyHonor Kneafsey Voice of robyn goodfellowe
Tommy TiernanTommy Tiernan Voice of seán óg
Eva Whittaker Voice of mebh óg mactíre