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woman thou art loosed: on the 7th day (2012)

Original title: woman thou art loosed: on the 7th day
Production: UK, USA
Poster of movie woman thou art loosed: on the 7th day
the ames' seem to have built the perfect life until their six year old daughter is kidnapped; over the course of seven days they begin to uncover secrets about their past that could rip their marriage and lives apart.


Neema Barnetteregista

Production and Screenplay

Neema Barnetteproduttore
Blair UnderwoodBlair Underwoodproduttore
T.d. Jakesproduttore esecutivo
T.d. Jakesscrittore
Cory Tynanproduttore
Cory Tynansceneggiatore
Cory Tynanscrittore
ManMichael Turnerproduttore esecutivo
Derrick Williamsproduttore esecutivo
Curtis Wallaceproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Pam GrierPam Grier(età:63)
Sharon LealSharon Leal(età:40)
T.d. Jakes(età:55)

Technical staff

Cecil Gentryscenografo
Keith L.smithdirettore della fotografia
Mark Kilianmusiche
Emily Tatumtruccatore
Kellie Robinsontruccatore
Nikki I browntruccatore
David Beattymontatore
Everette Eglinscenografo
Erika Ricearredatore
Shauna Leonecostumista