Database of cinema, music, history and literature

world invasion (2011)

Original title: world invasion
Production: USA|116 min
Science fiction, Action, War
Poster of movie world invasion


Production and Screenplay

Christopher Bertolinisceneggiatore
Chris Bertolinisceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Aaron EckhartAaron Eckhart(età:43)
(serg. michael nantz)
Michelle RodriguezMichelle Rodriguez(età:33)
(serg. elena santos)
Ramón RodríguezRamón Rodríguez(età:32)
(ten. william martinez)
(caporale kevin harris)
Bridget MoynahanBridget Moynahan(età:39)
Will RothhaarWill Rothhaar(età:24)
(caporale imlay)
Cory HardrictCory Hardrict(età:32)
(caporale lockett)
Jim ParrackJim Parrack(età:30)
(caporale peter j. "irish" kerns)
Gino Anthony pesiGino Anthony pesi(età:31)
(caporale nick stavrou)
Taylor HandleyTaylor Handley(età:27)
(caporale simmons)
Noel FisherNoel Fisher(età:27)
(soldato lenihan)
James Hiroyuki LiaoJames Hiroyuki Liao
(caporale mottola)
Adetokumboh M'cormackAdetokumboh M'cormack(età:29)
(corpsman adukwu)
Michael PenaMichael Pena(età:35)
(joe rincon)
Bryce CassBryce Cass(età:14)
(hector rincon)
Lucas TillLucas Till(età:21)
(caporale grayston)
Joey KingJoey King(età:12)
Taryn SouthernTaryn Southern(età:25)
Jessica HeapJessica Heap(età:28)

Technical staff

Christian Wagnermontatore
Peter Wenhamscenografo
Brian TylerBrian Tylermusiche
Sanja Milkovic hayscostumista
Lukas Ettlindirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2011)