Database of cinema, music, history and literature

yankee doodle dandy (1942)

Original title: yankee doodle dandy
Production: USA|126 min| black and white|
Comedy, Dramatic, Historical
Poster of movie yankee doodle dandy
in the early forties the actor and dancer george m. cohan was struck by criticism for his portrayal of president roosevelt and summoned to the white house. the president is actually a fervent admirer and intends to reward him for composing some songs. in front of roosevelt, cohan recalls his whole life, from the vaudeville years with the whole family, to the great personal successes on broadway.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject

dal libro: romanzo ()


Michael CurtizMichael Curtizregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Bucknersceneggiatore
Edmund Josephsceneggiatore
Hal B. WallisHal B. Wallisproduttore
Jack L. Warnerproduttore
William CagneyWilliam Cagneyproduttore
Julius J. EpsteinJulius J. Epsteinsceneggiatore
Philip G. EpsteinPhilip G. Epsteinsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

James CagneyJames Cagney(età:43)
(George M.Cohan)
Joan LeslieJoan Leslie(età:17)
Walter HustonWalter Huston(età:58)
(Jerry Cohan, il padre)
Richard Whorf(età:36)
(Sam Harris)
George TobiasGeorge Tobias(età:41)
Irene ManningIrene Manning(età:30)
(Fay Templeton)
Rosemary DecampRosemary Decamp(età:32)
(rosemary decamp)
Jeanne CagneyJeanne Cagney(età:23)
(sorella di George)
Frances LangfordFrances Langford(età:28)
George BarbierGeorge Barbier(età:80)
(george barbier)
S.Z. SakallS.Z. Sakall(età:59)
(s.z. sakall)
Walter CatlettWalter Catlett(età:53)
(walter catlett)
Leah Baird(età:59)
(leah baird)
Wallis ClarkWallis Clark(età:60)
(wallis clark)
Pat FlahertyPat Flaherty(età:45)
(pat flaherty)
James FlavinJames Flavin(età:36)
(james flavin)
Art GilmoreArt Gilmore(età:30)
(art gilmore)
Creighton HaleCreighton Hale(età:60)
(creighton hale)
Stuart HolmesStuart Holmes(età:58)
(stuart holmes)
William HopperWilliam Hopper(età:27)
(william hopper)
June Millarde(età:20)
(june millarde)
Paul PanzerPaul Panzer(età:70)
(paul panzer)
Leo WhiteLeo White(età:60)
(leo white)
Frank FaylenFrank Faylen(età:37)
Hank MannHank Mann(età:55)
Ann DoranAnn Doran(età:31)
Minor WatsonMinor Watson(età:53)
Garry OwenGarry Owen(età:40)
Eddie Foy jr.(età:37)

Technical staff

Ray HeindorfRay Heindorfmusiche
Heinz RoemheldHeinz Roemheldmusiche
George Amymontatore
Sol PolitoSol Politodirettore della fotografia
James Wong howeJames Wong howedirettore della fotografia
Milo AndersonMilo Andersoncostumista
Carl Jules WeylCarl Jules Weylscenografo
Nathan LevinsonNathan Levinsontecnico del suono
Perc WestmorePerc Westmoretruccatore
Eugene JoseffEugene Joseffcostumista
ManGeorge M. Cohanmusiche