Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Year of the Carnivore (2009)

Original title: year of the carnivore
Production: Canada|88 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie Year of the Carnivore
a romantic comedy about a girl with an unrequited crush on a boy who thinks she's bad in bed, so she goes out to get more "experience".


Sook-yin Leeregista

Production and Screenplay

Simone Urdlproduttore
Roland Smithproduttore
Sook-yin Leescrittore
Erin Smithproduttore
Steven Thibaultproduttore
Jennifer Weissproduttore
Marguerite Pigottscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Emily HolmesEmily Holmes(età:32)
Ali LiebertAli Liebert(età:28)
Mark RendallMark Rendall(età:21)
Will SassoWill Sasso(età:34)

Technical staff

John Ii Buchancasting
Susan Shopmakercasting
Renee Readscenografo
Bruce Chundirettore della fotografia
Lori Westscenografo
Sook-yin Leemusiche
Jason Knightcasting
Brenda Turnerparrucchiere
Clarke Gregoryarredatore
Andrea Manchurtruccatore
Janie Mackayparrucchiere
Buck 65musiche