Database of cinema, music, history and literature

you'll like my mother (1989)

Original title: the revenger
Production: USA|85 min|
Action, Thriller

Festivals and awards


Lamont Johnsonregista
Irvin Kershnerregista

Production and Screenplay

John Cianettisceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

michael keller
jack fischer
Oliver ReedOliver Reed(età:51)
harry crawford (accreditato come jeff weston)
tyron richardson
detective marsh (accreditato come norman ansty)
willie testa
big john barron (accreditato come john pasternak)
freddie (accreditato come frank notoro)
haber (accreditato come james bartlett)
Arnold VoslooArnold Vosloo(età:27)
elliot russel (accreditato come john maythem)
frank price (accreditato come fats bookhalane)
Patty DukePatty Duke(età:43)
Luana PattenLuana Patten(età:51)
Ed NelsonEd Nelson(età:61)
Dennis Rucker(età:43)

Technical staff

Tim Jamesmusiche
Paul O'bryanmontatore