Database of cinema, music, history and literature

you'll never get rich (1941)

Original title: you'll never get rich
Production: USA|88 min| black and white|
Comedy, Musical

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1942 - nomination migliore canzone
Assigned to: Cole Porter


Sidney LanfieldSidney Lanfieldregista

Production and Screenplay

Ernest Paganosceneggiatore
Michael Fessiersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Fred AstaireFred Astaire(età:42)
Rita HayworthRita Hayworth(età:23)
john hubbard
osa massen
Osa MassenOsa Massen(età:26)
frieda inescort
guinn 'big boy' williams
donald macbride
cliff nazarro
Cliff NazarroCliff Nazarro(età:37)
marjorie gateson
ann shoemaker
Ann ShoemakerAnn Shoemaker(età:50)
boyd davis
Boyd Davis(età:56)
Garry OwenGarry Owen(età:39)

Technical staff

Robert AltonRobert Altoncoreografo
Cole PorterCole Portermusiche
Morris Stoloffmusiche
Robert Kallochcostumista
Otto Meyermontatore
ManLionel Banksscenografo
Nan Wynnmusiche
Clay Campbelltruccatore
Philip Tannuradirettore della fotografia
Ray Howellcostumista
Helen Hunttruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version USA(1941)