Database of cinema, music, history and literature

You Will Die at 20 (2019)

Original title: you will die at 20
Production: France, Germany|103 min
Poster of movie You Will Die at 20
shortly after muzamil was born, the village's holy man predicts that he will die at age 20. muzamil's father can't stand the curse and leaves home. sakina raises her son as a single mother, overly protective. one day, muzamil turns 19.

Festivals and awards


Amjad Abu Alalaregista

Production and Screenplay

Amjad Abu Alalasceneggiatore
Yousef Ibrahimsceneggiatore
Arnaud Dommercproduttore
Ingrid Lill høgtunproduttore
Mohamed Hefzyproduttore
Michael Henrichsproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Technical staff

Amin Bouhafamusiche
Sébastien Goepfertdirettore della fotografia
Nadine Bouchertruccatore
Heba Othmanmontatore
Rasha Faresarredatore