Database of cinema, music, history and literature

young mrs. winthrop (1919)

Original title: young mrs. winthrop
Production: USA|50 min| |


Walter EdwardsWalter Edwardsregista

Production and Screenplay

Edith M. kennedysceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

constance winthrop
Ethel ClaytonEthel Clayton(età:37)
harrison ford
douglas winthrop
old mrs. winthrop
Helen Dunbar(età:56)
rosie (as dorothy rosher)
Joan MarshJoan Marsh(età:5)
mrs. dick chetwyn
dick rodney
buxton scott
Charles OgleCharles Ogle(età:54)
nick jones
mrs. dunbar
dick chetwyn
Walter Hiers(età:26)

Technical staff

Henry Kotanidirettore della fotografia