Database of cinema, music, history and literature

youth in revolt (2009)

Original title: youth in revolt
Production: USA|90 min
Poster of movie youth in revolt

Origin of the subject


Miguel ArtetaMiguel Artetaregista

Production and Screenplay

Gustin Nashsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Michael CeraMichael Cera(età:21)
(nick twisp / francois dillinger)
Portia DoubledayPortia Doubleday(età:21)
(sheeni saunders)
Jean SmartJean Smart(età:49)
(estelle twisp)
Zach GalifianakisZach Galifianakis(età:40)
Erik KnudsenErik Knudsen(età:21)
Adhir KalyanAdhir Kalyan(età:26)
(vijay joshi)
Steve BuscemiSteve Buscemi(età:52)
(george twisp)
Fred WillardFred Willard(età:70)
(mr. ferguson)
Ari GraynorAri Graynor(età:26)
Ray LiottaRay Liotta(età:55)
(lance wescott)
Justin LongJustin Long(età:31)
(paul saunders)
Rooney MaraRooney Mara(età:24)
Jade Fusco
(bernice lynch)
Lise Lacasse
M. Emmet WalshM. Emmet Walsh(età:74)
(mr. saunders)
Mary Kay PlaceMary Kay Place(età:62)
(mrs. saunders)

Technical staff

Pamela Martinmontatore
Nancy Steinercostumista
Andy Keirmontatore
Tony Fanningscenografo
Chuy Chavezdirettore della fotografia
John Swihartmusiche