Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Life Is Beautiful (1985)

Original title: zivot je lep
Production: Croazia|104 min
Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie Life Is Beautiful

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Boro Draskovicregista

Production and Screenplay

Boro Draskovicsceneggiatore
Maja Draskovicsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Sonja SavicSonja Savic(età:24)
Ivan Bekjarev(età:39)
Pavle VuisicPavle Vuisic(età:59)

Technical staff

Andrija Zafranovicmontatore
Milenko Jeremicscenografo
Boro Draskovicdirettore della fotografia
Vojislav Kosticmusiche
Bozidar 'Bota' Nikolicdirettore della fotografia
Maja Draskoviccostumista