Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Antonio Colonnello

Antonio Colonnello
Birth: january 8, 1938
Death: may 30, 2005 Roma, Italia at 67 years

Antonio Colonnello: dubber. Birth january 8, 1938, Death may 30, 2005 at 67 years.




Henry WinklerHenry Winkler [Dubbing in 3 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Steven SeagalSteven Seagal [Dubbing in 3 Movie]
John WayneJohn Wayne [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Larry HagmanLarry Hagman [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Robert WagnerRobert Wagner [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Bruce BoxleitnerBruce Boxleitner [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Charles BoyerCharles Boyer [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Claude AkinsClaude Akins [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Clint EastwoodClint Eastwood [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
David WarbeckDavid Warbeck [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ed LauterEd Lauter [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Fredrik OhlssonFredrik Ohlsson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Gerrit GrahamGerrit Graham [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Harvey KeitelHarvey Keitel [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
James BrolinJames Brolin [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Joel Stedman [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
John Phillip LawJohn Phillip Law [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John TravoltaJohn Travolta [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
John VernonJohn Vernon [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Judd HirschJudd Hirsch [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Kevin DobsonKevin Dobson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Leslie NielsenLeslie Nielsen [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Mark MetcalfMark Metcalf [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Martin ShakarMartin Shakar [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Maurice O'connellMaurice O'connell [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Maximilian SchellMaximilian Schell [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Peter White [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Powers BoothePowers Boothe [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Richard HarrisRichard Harris [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Robert DonatRobert Donat [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Roger MooreRoger Moore [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ron ElyRon Ely [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Terence HillTerence Hill [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Thommy Berggren [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Timothy Scott [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tommy Lee JonesTommy Lee Jones [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Toshiaki Nishizawa [Dubbing in 1 Movie]