Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Claudia Razzi

Claudia Razzi
Birth: march 30, 1962 Roma, Italia

Claudia Razzi: dubber. Birth march 30, 1962.




Helena Bonham carterHelena Bonham carter [Dubbing in 11 Movie]
Meg RyanMeg Ryan [Dubbing in 5 Movie]
Jennifer Jason LeighJennifer Jason Leigh [Dubbing in 3 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Anne HecheAnne Heche [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 2 Serie TV]
Lucy LiuLucy Liu [Dubbing in 2 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Polly WalkerPolly Walker [Dubbing in 3 Movie]
Annette BeningAnnette Bening [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Ashley JuddAshley Judd [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Brittany DanielBrittany Daniel [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Brooke SmithBrooke Smith [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Diana-Maria RivaDiana-Maria Riva [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Elvira MínguezElvira Mínguez [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Heather LocklearHeather Locklear [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Jacqueline MckenzieJacqueline Mckenzie [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Jazsmin LewisJazsmin Lewis [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Jennifer WestfeldtJennifer Westfeldt [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Julie DelpyJulie Delpy [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Julie HagertyJulie Hagerty [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Kerry O'MalleyKerry O'Malley [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Lela Rochon [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Lili TaylorLili Taylor [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Maria PitilloMaria Pitillo [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Nicollette SheridanNicollette Sheridan [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Nina AriandaNina Arianda [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Rebecca RomijnRebecca Romijn [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Robin WeigertRobin Weigert [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Serena Scott thomasSerena Scott thomas [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Sherry StringfieldSherry Stringfield [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Tisha CampbellTisha Campbell [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Aimee GrahamAimee Graham [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Aisha TylerAisha Tyler [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Alice KrigeAlice Krige [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ally WalkerAlly Walker [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Amara ZaragozaAmara Zaragoza [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Amber VallettaAmber Valletta [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Amy CarlsonAmy Carlson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Amy PoehlerAmy Poehler [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Amy RyanAmy Ryan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Angelle BrooksAngelle Brooks [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ann CusackAnn Cusack [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Anne CharrierAnne Charrier [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Audra McdonaldAudra Mcdonald [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Audrey LamyAudrey Lamy [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ayelet ZurerAyelet Zurer [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Barbi BentonBarbi Benton [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Barret SwatekBarret Swatek [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Belinda Mcclory [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Bitty SchramBitty Schram [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Brenda Varda [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Brooke LyonsBrooke Lyons [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Candace Edwards [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Candis CayneCandis Cayne [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Caroline ProustCaroline Proust [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Catherine DentCatherine Dent [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Catherine KeenerCatherine Keener [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Cathy Cahlin ryanCathy Cahlin ryan [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Cathy Mcauley [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Charlene TiltonCharlene Tilton [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Charlotte AttenboroughCharlotte Attenborough [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Cherie CurrieCherie Currie [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Chrissy MetzChrissy Metz [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Christine EliseChristine Elise [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Christine TucciChristine Tucci [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Christopher NorrisChristopher Norris [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Claudette Roche [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Cynthia Dale [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Danielle BriseboisDanielle Brisebois [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Daphne ZunigaDaphne Zuniga [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Debi MazarDebi Mazar [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Dedee PfeifferDedee Pfeiffer [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Dina MeyerDina Meyer [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Elaine HendrixElaine Hendrix [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Elena AnayaElena Anaya [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Elizabeth TaylorElizabeth Taylor [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Elyse Mirto [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Erinn HayesErinn Hayes [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Eva LaRueEva LaRue [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ever CarradineEver Carradine [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Faith FordFaith Ford [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Florence GuerinFlorence Guerin [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gabrielle UnionGabrielle Union [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gail O'gradyGail O'grady [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gina MckeeGina Mckee [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gong LiGong Li [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gugu Mbatha-RawGugu Mbatha-Raw [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Gwen HumbleGwen Humble [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Harriet Sansom HarrisHarriet Sansom Harris [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Holly HunterHolly Hunter [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ilça Moreno Zego [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Imogen StubbsImogen Stubbs [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ingrid Bolsø BerdalIngrid Bolsø Berdal [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Isabelle Mejias [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ivana MilicevicIvana Milicevic [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
J. robin Miller [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jacqueline KimJacqueline Kim [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jacqueline ObradorsJacqueline Obradors [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jaime PresslyJaime Pressly [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jamie DenboJamie Denbo [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jana Brown [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jane Gabbert [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jane HallJane Hall [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jane KrakowskiJane Krakowski [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jane MarchJane March [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Janeane GarofaloJaneane Garofalo [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jayne BrookJayne Brook [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jenni Blong [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jennifer SkyJennifer Sky [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jenny Robertson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jessica CollinsJessica Collins [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jillian BellJillian Bell [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Joan BennettJoan Bennett [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Joanna CassidyJoanna Cassidy [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Julia CampbellJulia Campbell [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
June Diane raphaelJune Diane raphael [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Kate Grimes [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Katherine LaNasaKatherine LaNasa [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Kathy Christopherson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Katy CarmichaelKaty Carmichael [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Katy MixonKaty Mixon [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Kelly OvertonKelly Overton [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Kerri KenneyKerri Kenney [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Kim DarbyKim Darby [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Kim Staunton [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Kim SykesKim Sykes [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Krista AllenKrista Allen [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Kristen WiigKristen Wiig [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Lakshmi ManchuLakshmi Manchu [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lana Schwab [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lara Flynn BoyleLara Flynn Boyle [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Larisa OleynikLarisa Oleynik [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Laura HarrisLaura Harris [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Laura PreponLaura Prepon [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lauren BowlesLauren Bowles [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lauren StamileLauren Stamile [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lea ThompsonLea Thompson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lee PurcellLee Purcell [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Leigh Allen BakerLeigh Allen Baker [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Leslie MannLeslie Mann [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Linda PurlLinda Purl [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Lisa Langlois [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lisa MarieLisa Marie [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Lisa RieffelLisa Rieffel [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lori LoughlinLori Loughlin [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Lorna Leslie [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Lydia BoschLydia Bosch [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lynda CarterLynda Carter [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lysette AnthonyLysette Anthony [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Marcia Gay HardenMarcia Gay Harden [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Marg HelgenbergerMarg Helgenberger [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Margaret ColinMargaret Colin [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Maria De MedeirosMaria De Medeiros [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Marisa RyanMarisa Ryan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Mariya Poroshina [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Marjorie Monaghan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Mary Lynn RajskubMary Lynn Rajskub [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Maya RudolphMaya Rudolph [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Meera SyalMeera Syal [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Meg TillyMeg Tilly [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Melinda Page hamiltonMelinda Page hamilton [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Melissa Joan HartMelissa Joan Hart [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Melora HardinMelora Hardin [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Mia KirshnerMia Kirshner [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michelle ForbesMichelle Forbes [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michelle KrusiecMichelle Krusiec [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michelle Skalnik [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michelle YeohMichelle Yeoh [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Molly HaganMolly Hagan [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Monica HoranMonica Horan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Monica RaymundMonica Raymund [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Morgan FairchildMorgan Fairchild [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Mädchen AmickMädchen Amick [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Nana VisitorNana Visitor [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Nancy Harewood [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Nancy TravisNancy Travis [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Natalia Castellanos [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Nicola WalkerNicola Walker [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Nicole NagelNicole Nagel [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Nicole SullivanNicole Sullivan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Nicole Whippy [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Nikki Tyler-FlynnNikki Tyler-Flynn [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Nina SiemaszkoNina Siemaszko [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Olivia D'aboOlivia D'abo [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Pamela GidleyPamela Gidley [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Patricia VelasquezPatricia Velasquez [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Phoebe CatesPhoebe Cates [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Rachel ShelleyRachel Shelley [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Rebecca Chambers [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Rebecca Cross [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Rebecca De MornayRebecca De Mornay [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Regina KingRegina King [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
René RussoRené Russo [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Rhona MitraRhona Mitra [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Robin Mccaffrey [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Robin WrightRobin Wright [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Romane BohringerRomane Bohringer [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Roxana ZalRoxana Zal [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Sabrina Le BeaufSabrina Le Beauf [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Sabrina LloydSabrina Lloyd [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Samantha MathisSamantha Mathis [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Samaria GrahamSamaria Graham [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Sandra OhSandra Oh [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Sara Arrington [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Sarah ClarkeSarah Clarke [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Sarah PaulsonSarah Paulson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Saskia Wickham [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Shannen DohertyShannen Doherty [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Shannon CochranShannon Cochran [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Sharee Gregory [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Sharon TyrellSharon Tyrell [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Suanne Braun [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Sunny MabreySunny Mabrey [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Susan DeySusan Dey [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Susan Lentini [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Susan WaltersSusan Walters [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Suzy NakamuraSuzy Nakamura [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Sylvie Testud [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Symba Symba [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tamara Mark [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tamlyn TomitaTamlyn Tomita [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tandi WrightTandi Wright [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tanya Allen [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Teresa D'alessandro [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Teresa HillTeresa Hill [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Terri Garber [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tia CarrereTia Carrere [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tracey NeedhamTracey Needham [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tracy Arnold [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tsai Chin [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tsai Chin (attrice)Tsai Chin (attrice) [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Valérie BonnetonValérie Bonneton [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Vicki Masson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]