Birth: july 16, 1930
Death: february 2, 2022 at 91 years
Ezio Frigerio: actor. Birth july 16, 1930, Death february 2, 2022 at 91 years.
Festivals and awards
- Nastro Argento 1992 -
Migliore scenografia
for the movie Cyrano de Bergerac - César 1991 -
Meilleurs décors
for the movie Cyrano de Bergerac - EFA - European Film Award 1990 -
European Production Designer
for the movie Cyrano de Bergerac - Oscar 1991 - nomination Best Production Design
for the movie Cyrano de Bergerac - César 1996 - nomination Meilleurs décors
for the movie Le Hussard sur le toit - Bafta 1992 - nomination Best Production Design
for the movie Cyrano de Bergerac