Birth: october 16, 1892
Death: may 30, 1953 at 60 years
Festivals and awards
- Oscar 1941 -
migliore fotografia in bianco e nero
for the movie Rebecca - Golden Globe 1953 -
migliore fotografia a colori
for the movie The Greatest Show on Earth - Oscar 1951 - nomination migliore fotografia a colori
for the movie samson and delilah - Oscar 1946 - nomination migliore fotografia in bianco e nero
for the movie spellbound - Oscar 1946 - nomination migliore fotografia a colori
for the movie the spanish main - Oscar 1930 - nomination Meilleure photographie
for the movie our dancing daughters - Oscar 1929 - nomination Meilleure photographie
for the movie The Devil Dancer - Oscar 1929 - nomination Meilleure photographie
for the movie Sadie Thompson