Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Pietro Biondi

Pietro Biondi
Birth: october 13, 1939

Pietro Biondi: dubber. Birth october 13, 1939. He starred in 30 movies.


logo serie-tv Suburra: Blood on Rome (Suburra - La serie) Suburra: Blood on Rome (Suburra - La serie) (2019)
[Seasons: 2 Episodes: 1 ]

attore (Cardinal Pascagni)
logo serie-tv Suburra: Blood on Rome (Suburra - La serie) Suburra: Blood on Rome (Suburra - La serie) (2017)
[Seasons: 1 Episodes: 2 ]

attore (Cardinal Pascagni)
logo serie-tv Rex Rex (2011)
[Seasons: 3 Episodes: 1 ]

poster del film Il divo - la spettacolare vita di Giulio AndreottiIl divo - la spettacolare vita di Giulio Andreotti
paolo vi - il papa nella tempesta
poster del film The EmbalmerThe Embalmer
poster del film La piovra 10 [filmTV]La piovra 10 [filmTV]
poster del film Il cane di terracotta [filmTV]Il cane di terracotta [filmTV]
poster del film La forma dell'acqua [filmTV]La forma dell'acqua [filmTV]
poster del film Il ladro di merendine [filmTV]Il ladro di merendine [filmTV]
poster del film La voce del violino [filmTV]La voce del violino [filmTV]
consigli per gli acquisti
ultimo bersaglio
poster del film Morte di una strega [filmTV]Morte di una strega [filmTV]
logo serie-tv Caro maestro Caro maestro (1996)
[Seasons: 1 Episodes: 1 ]

giovanni falcone
il senso della vertigine
poster del film La piovra 4 [filmTV]La piovra 4 [filmTV]
la posta in gioco
poster del film quer pasticciaccio brutto de via merulana [filmTV]quer pasticciaccio brutto de via merulana [filmTV]
poster del film Three BrothersThree Brothers
la casa rossa [filmTV]
les mains sales
antonio gramsci: i giorni del carcere
i giorni del carcere
il sospetto
l'assassinio dei fratelli rosselli [filmTV]
poster del film Un certo Marconi [filmTV]Un certo Marconi [filmTV]
il delitto matteotti
ipotesi sulla scomparsa di un fisico atomico


Donald SutherlandDonald Sutherland [Dubbing in 10 Movie]
Christopher PlummerChristopher Plummer [Dubbing in 5 Movie]
Harris YulinHarris Yulin [Dubbing in 2 Movie, 3 Serie TV]
Harry Dean StantonHarry Dean Stanton [Dubbing in 4 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
James GarnerJames Garner [Dubbing in 4 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Walter MatthauWalter Matthau [Dubbing in 4 Movie]
Edward HerrmannEdward Herrmann [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 2 Serie TV]
Frank LangellaFrank Langella [Dubbing in 2 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Harvey KeitelHarvey Keitel [Dubbing in 3 Movie]
Lindsey Ginter [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 2 Serie TV]
Mark MargolisMark Margolis [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 2 Serie TV]
Alan AldaAlan Alda [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Alan ArkinAlan Arkin [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Alan DaleAlan Dale [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Alun ArmstrongAlun Armstrong [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Ben GazzaraBen Gazzara [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Bill MacyBill Macy [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Brian CoxBrian Cox [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Charlton HestonCharlton Heston [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Fred Dalton thompsonFred Dalton thompson [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Garry ChalkGarry Chalk [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Ian McKellenIan McKellen [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
J. T. WalshJ. T. Walsh [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
James RebhornJames Rebhorn [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Jeffrey DemunnJeffrey Demunn [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Jim NortonJim Norton [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
John CullumJohn Cullum [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
John NobleJohn Noble [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Ken HowardKen Howard [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Ken JenkinsKen Jenkins [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Leon RippyLeon Rippy [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Leslie NielsenLeslie Nielsen [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Max von SydowMax von Sydow [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Peter Hanlon [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Philip Baker HallPhilip Baker Hall [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Philippe NoiretPhilippe Noiret [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Rip TornRip Torn [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Robert PineRobert Pine [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Simon CallowSimon Callow [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Stacy KeachStacy Keach [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Timothy WestTimothy West [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Ahmed BenaissaAhmed Benaissa [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Al Sharpton [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Allan MillerAllan Miller [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
André MaranneAndré Maranne [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
André Thorent [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Anthony Newlands [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Arye GrossArye Gross [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Barry NelsonBarry Nelson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ben KingsleyBen Kingsley [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Bernard FressonBernard Fresson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Bill CobbsBill Cobbs [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Bill HoagBill Hoag [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Bill NighyBill Nighy [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Bo SvensonBo Svenson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Bob Dawson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Bob NewhartBob Newhart [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Brad Sullivan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Bruce DernBruce Dern [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Burt YoungBurt Young [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Carlos Estrada (attore) [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Carmen ArgenzianoCarmen Argenziano [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Carroll NyeCarroll Nye [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Charles DanceCharles Dance [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Charles GrodinCharles Grodin [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Charles RobinsonCharles Robinson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Chico Anysio [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Chris Hendrie [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Christopher Ettridge [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Christopher LloydChristopher Lloyd [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Christopher NeameChristopher Neame [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Clarence Felder [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Clarence Williams IiiClarence Williams Iii [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Claudio Brook [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Cooper HuckabeeCooper Huckabee [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Curt LowensCurt Lowens [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Danny GloverDanny Glover [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Darren McGavinDarren McGavin [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
David BradleyDavid Bradley [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
David Burke [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
David GrafDavid Graf [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
David HemmingsDavid Hemmings [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
David PaymerDavid Paymer [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
David SchrammDavid Schramm [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
David WhiteDavid White [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Dennis FarinaDennis Farina [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Dennis FranzDennis Franz [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Dick Van DykeDick Van Dyke [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
DivineDivine [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Don RicklesDon Rickles [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Don S. DavisDon S. Davis [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Donald MoffatDonald Moffat [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Earl BoenEarl Boen [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Edward FoxEdward Fox [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Edwin Mcdonough [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ernie HudsonErnie Hudson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
F. Murray AbrahamF. Murray Abraham [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Feodor AtkineFeodor Atkine [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ferdinando Villella [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Francois BerleandFrancois Berleand [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Frank Dunne [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Frank FinlayFrank Finlay [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Frank Gio [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Fred Applegate [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Fred WardFred Ward [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Frederic ForrestFrederic Forrest [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Fritz WeaverFritz Weaver [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Fyvush FinkelFyvush Finkel [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
G. Gordon LiddyG. Gordon Liddy [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Gary BuseyGary Busey [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Geoffrey LewisGeoffrey Lewis [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Geoffrey PalmerGeoffrey Palmer [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
George Bartenieff [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
George CoeGeorge Coe [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
George Gaynes [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
George HamiltonGeorge Hamilton [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
George PlimptonGeorge Plimpton [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gerald McRaneyGerald McRaney [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Gerry BammanGerry Bamman [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Gordon TootoosisGordon Tootoosis [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gore VidalGore Vidal [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gottfried JohnGottfried John [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Grady Clarkson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gregg DanielGregg Daniel [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
H. Richard GreeneH. Richard Greene [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Hal HolbrookHal Holbrook [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Harvey AtkinHarvey Atkin [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Hector AlterioHector Alterio [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Herb EdelmanHerb Edelman [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Holmes OsborneHolmes Osborne [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Hugh DaneHugh Dane [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ian McShaneIan McShane [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
J.E. FreemanJ.E. Freeman [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
J.K. SimmonsJ.K. Simmons [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jack Taylor (attore) [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jack ThompsonJack Thompson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
James CaanJames Caan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
James CoburnJames Coburn [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
James CromwellJames Cromwell [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
James FarentinoJames Farentino [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
James FaulknerJames Faulkner [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
James Greene [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
James RemarJames Remar [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jason BernardJason Bernard [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jason RobardsJason Robards [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jean-Jacques Rausin [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jean-Louis TrintignantJean-Louis Trintignant [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jeffrey TamborJeffrey Tambor [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jeroen KrabbéJeroen Krabbé [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jerry StillerJerry Stiller [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Joe DallesandroJoe Dallesandro [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Joe Don BakerJoe Don Baker [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John Dawson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John FinnJohn Finn [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
John KavanaghJohn Kavanagh [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John MahoneyJohn Mahoney [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John MarleyJohn Marley [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John Moore [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
John RothmanJohn Rothman [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John SpencerJohn Spencer [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John Stride [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John WoodJohn Wood [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Johnny CashJohnny Cash [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jon PolitoJon Polito [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jon VoightJon Voight [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Josef SommerJosef Sommer [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Joseph MaherJoseph Maher [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Keith SzarabajkaKeith Szarabajka [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Kenneth WelshKenneth Welsh [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Kevin MccarthyKevin Mccarthy [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Kotaro Tomita [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Lance HenriksenLance Henriksen [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Larry Keith [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Laurence HarveyLaurence Harvey [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Lee De brouxLee De broux [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lee MajorsLee Majors [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
M.C. GaineyM.C. Gainey [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Marcel BozzuffiMarcel Bozzuffi [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Marshall BellMarshall Bell [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Martin LandauMartin Landau [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Maury ChaykinMaury Chaykin [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michael CaineMichael Caine [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michael ConstantineMichael Constantine [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michael EnsignMichael Ensign [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michael GambonMichael Gambon [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michael GothardMichael Gothard [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michael HoganMichael Hogan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michael Williams (attore)Michael Williams (attore) [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Mike Ditka [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Morgan FreemanMorgan Freeman [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Murray MathesonMurray Matheson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Neil Fitzpatrick [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Nesbitt Blaisdell [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Norman LloydNorman Lloyd [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Norman MailerNorman Mailer [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Patrick BauchauPatrick Bauchau [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Patrick McGoohanPatrick McGoohan [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Patrick O'nealPatrick O'neal [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Patrick StewartPatrick Stewart [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Paul BenedictPaul Benedict [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Paul Brooke [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Paul CalderonPaul Calderon [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Paul FreemanPaul Freeman [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Paul MazurskyPaul Mazursky [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Peter GeretyPeter Gerety [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Raymond J. BarryRaymond J. Barry [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Red WestRed West [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Reg E. CatheyReg E. Cathey [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Reg Wilson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Richard Gross [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Richard PortnowRichard Portnow [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Richard RiehleRichard Riehle [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Richard RoundtreeRichard Roundtree [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Robert CulpRobert Culp [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Robert Darnell [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Robert DuvallRobert Duvall [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Robert PughRobert Pugh [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Rodney Dangerfield [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ron CanadaRon Canada [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ron Mclarty [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ronny CoxRonny Cox [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ryan CutronaRyan Cutrona [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Scott WilsonScott Wilson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Sherman HemsleySherman Hemsley [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Shigeru KoyamaShigeru Koyama [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Stanley AndersonStanley Anderson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Stefan GieraschStefan Gierasch [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Stephen E. MillerStephen E. Miller [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Stephen KingStephen King [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Stephen Pearlman [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Steve LawrenceSteve Lawrence [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Teddy ColucaTeddy Coluca [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Telly SavalasTelly Savalas [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Terence Harvey [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Theodore BikelTheodore Bikel [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Timothy WebberTimothy Webber [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tom AldredgeTom Aldredge [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tom AtkinsTom Atkins [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tom BowerTom Bower [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tom CourtenayTom Courtenay [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tom LigonTom Ligon [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tom O'Rourke [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tom Signorelli [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tomas MilianTomas Milian [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Valer Dellakeza [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Vincent Ball [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Vincent SchiavelliVincent Schiavelli [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Vinnie Mccabe [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Walter Kelley [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
William RedfieldWilliam Redfield [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Zach GrenierZach Grenier [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Zakes MokaeZakes Mokae [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]