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Roberto Chevalier

Roberto Chevalier
Birth: july 14, 1952 Roma, Italia

Roberto Chevalier: dubber. Birth july 14, 1952. He starred in 23 movies.

Festivals and awards


logo serie-tv Medico in famiglia Medico in famiglia (2004)
[Seasons: 4 Episodes: 2 ]

le placard
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padre pio
poster del film deep risingdeep rising
direzione del doppiaggio
poster del film BulworthBulworth
direzione del doppiaggio
poster del film Inventing the AbbottsInventing the Abbotts
direzione del doppiaggio


Tom CruiseTom Cruise [Dubbing in 26 Movie]
Tom HanksTom Hanks [Dubbing in 16 Movie, 2 Serie TV]
Greg KinnearGreg Kinnear [Dubbing in 8 Movie, 3 Serie TV]
John TravoltaJohn Travolta [Dubbing in 9 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Andy GarciaAndy Garcia [Dubbing in 8 Movie]
Dennis QuaidDennis Quaid [Dubbing in 5 Movie]
Tony GoldwynTony Goldwyn [Dubbing in 4 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Jeff GoldblumJeff Goldblum [Dubbing in 3 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Alberto Dell'acquaAlberto Dell'acqua [Dubbing in 3 Movie]
Bruce AltmanBruce Altman [Dubbing in 2 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
David BowieDavid Bowie [Dubbing in 2 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Dermot MulroneyDermot Mulroney [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 2 Serie TV]
Matt LetscherMatt Letscher [Dubbing in 3 Serie TV]
Steven CulpSteven Culp [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 2 Serie TV]
Armand SchultzArmand Schultz [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Brian KerwinBrian Kerwin [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Bruce DavisonBruce Davison [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Colby Chester [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Danny HustonDanny Huston [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Griffin DunneGriffin Dunne [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
James WoodsJames Woods [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Jeff DanielsJeff Daniels [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Jeremy NorthamJeremy Northam [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
John David Carson [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Joseph Hacker [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Judd NelsonJudd Nelson [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Judge ReinholdJudge Reinhold [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Kurt RussellKurt Russell [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Marc McclureMarc Mcclure [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Marco Gelardini [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Michele SoaviMichele Soavi [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Owen WilsonOwen Wilson [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Paul BettanyPaul Bettany [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Philip Seymour HoffmanPhilip Seymour Hoffman [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Richard ThomasRichard Thomas [Dubbing in 1 Movie, 1 Serie TV]
Robin Strand [Dubbing in 2 Serie TV]
Tom BerengerTom Berenger [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Tomas AranaTomas Arana [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Vincent Spano [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
William BaldwinWilliam Baldwin [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
William ZabkaWilliam Zabka [Dubbing in 2 Movie]
Aaron EckhartAaron Eckhart [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Al SapienzaAl Sapienza [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Alessandro GassmannAlessandro Gassmann [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Alex Hyde-whiteAlex Hyde-white [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Alex JenningsAlex Jennings [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Alex Mcarthur [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Alex Nussbaum [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Allen CovertAllen Covert [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Andrew RobinsonAndrew Robinson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Anthony AndrewsAnthony Andrews [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Arnd KlawitterArnd Klawitter [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Arsène MoscaArsène Mosca [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Art MalikArt Malik [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Barclay HopeBarclay Hope [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ben Lemon [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ben MilesBen Miles [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ben StillerBen Stiller [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Bill PaxtonBill Paxton [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Bill PullmanBill Pullman [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Billy ConnollyBilly Connolly [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Billy ZaneBilly Zane [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Bob Seagren [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Brad DavisBrad Davis [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Bradley WhitfordBradley Whitford [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Branscombe RichmondBranscombe Richmond [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Brent StaitBrent Stait [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Brian Mcnamara [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Brian patrick ClarkeBrian patrick Clarke [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Brooks Gardner [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Bryan CranstonBryan Cranston [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Bryan Kirkwood [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Callum Keith RennieCallum Keith Rennie [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Carlo MucariCarlo Mucari [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Carlo Puri [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Cary ElwesCary Elwes [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Charles Martin SmithCharles Martin Smith [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Chill WillsChill Wills [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Chris EigemanChris Eigeman [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Chris Mccarty [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Christian CamargoChristian Camargo [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Christian ClemensonChristian Clemenson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Christoph EichhornChristoph Eichhorn [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Christopher GableChristopher Gable [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Christopher HeyerdahlChristopher Heyerdahl [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Christopher McdonaldChristopher Mcdonald [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Christopher ReeveChristopher Reeve [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Christopher RichChristopher Rich [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Christopher Rydell [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Clayton RohnerClayton Rohner [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Cliff De young [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Colby FrenchColby French [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Colin Hoult [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Craig ParkinsonCraig Parkinson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
D.W. MoffettD.W. Moffett [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Damian LewisDamian Lewis [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Danny Webb [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Darrell Fetty [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Darrell Larson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Dave Alan johnson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
David Andriole [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
David CarusoDavid Caruso [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
David CronenbergDavid Cronenberg [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
David GwillimDavid Gwillim [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
David Haskell [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
David MorseDavid Morse [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Dean StockwellDean Stockwell [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Dean WintersDean Winters [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Demetri GoritsasDemetri Goritsas [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Denis LearyDenis Leary [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Dirk BenedictDirk Benedict [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Dolph LundgrenDolph Lundgren [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Dominic Guard [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Don JohnsonDon Johnson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Donald PetrieDonald Petrie [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Doug SheehanDoug Sheehan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Douglas BarrDouglas Barr [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Douglas HenshallDouglas Henshall [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Douglas Roberts [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ed Begley jr.Ed Begley jr. [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ed HarrisEd Harris [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ed O'RossEd O'Ross [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Edward AlbertEdward Albert [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Eric BogosianEric Bogosian [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Eric RobertsEric Roberts [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Evan Ferrante [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Everett McGillEverett McGill [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Fabrice LuchiniFabrice Luchini [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Francesc GarridoFrancesc Garrido [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Franco GasparriFranco Gasparri [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Freddy Bosche [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gareth Williams [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Gary Epper [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Gary GrahamGary Graham [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Gary Sandy [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Geraint Wyn daviesGeraint Wyn davies [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Gerard Lartigau [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gerry G. velasco [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gianluigi Chirizzi [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Gregg HenryGregg Henry [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Guillermo Montesinos [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Hank AzariaHank Azaria [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Hart BochnerHart Bochner [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Henry Olek [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Hugh LaurieHugh Laurie [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Hunter Von leer [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ian CharlesonIan Charleson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ian HartIan Hart [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Iwao Yoshioka [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
J.C. MacKenzieJ.C. MacKenzie [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jack Blessing [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jack ScaliaJack Scalia [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jack Thibeau [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jacques Spiesser [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
James Carrington [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
James KeaneJames Keane [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
James SpaderJames Spader [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
James Sutorius [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
James Wing [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jared MartinJared Martin [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jason O'MaraJason O'Mara [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jason PatricJason Patric [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Javier GrajedaJavier Grajeda [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jean-Pierre Clarain [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jed Cooper [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jeff Carlson (attore) [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jeff DoucetteJeff Doucette [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jeff Seymour [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jeffrey Byron [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jeffrey NordlingJeffrey Nordling [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jere BurnsJere Burns [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Joaquim De AlmeidaJoaquim De Almeida [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Joe PantolianoJoe Pantoliano [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Joe RegalbutoJoe Regalbuto [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Joel StofferJoel Stoffer [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Johan Bramberg [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John Allen NelsonJohn Allen Nelson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
John CyganJohn Cygan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
John GloverJohn Glover [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
John James [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
John Mccafferty [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
John MellencampJohn Mellencamp [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John OrtizJohn Ortiz [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John RitterJohn Ritter [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
John Rosenfeld [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
John SavageJohn Savage [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
John SnyderJohn Snyder [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Johnny MessnerJohnny Messner [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jon Cedar [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Jon FavreauJon Favreau [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jon GriesJon Gries [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jon KorkesJon Korkes [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jonathan PryceJonathan Pryce [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jonathan Rhys-MeyersJonathan Rhys-Meyers [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jonathan SilvermanJonathan Silverman [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Joseph Hoover [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
JR BourneJR Bourne [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Julian McMahonJulian McMahon [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Jurandir Craveiro [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Justus Von dohnanyiJustus Von dohnanyi [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
K. Todd FreemanK. Todd Freeman [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Kale Browne [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Kavi RazKavi Raz [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Keith Hamshere [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Kenneth Kynt bryan [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Kevin MckiddKevin Mckidd [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Kevin RahmKevin Rahm [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Kim CoatesKim Coates [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Kip Gilman [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Larry Gilman [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Lee CurreriLee Curreri [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Leigh MccloskeyLeigh Mccloskey [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Les Lannom [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Linden AshbyLinden Ashby [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Marco Perella [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Mark HamillMark Hamill [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Mark HarmonMark Harmon [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Mark LesterMark Lester [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Mark Pinter [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Mark Tymchyshyn [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Massimo RanieriMassimo Ranieri [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Mathieu CarriereMathieu Carriere [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Matt DillonMatt Dillon [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Matt Lattanzi [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Matt MccoyMatt Mccoy [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Matthew ModineMatthew Modine [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Max CantorMax Cantor [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michael BiehnMichael Biehn [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michael GoodwinMichael Goodwin [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michael J.shannonMichael J.shannon [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michael McColl [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michael McgreeveyMichael Mcgreevey [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michael patrick Thornton [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michael Paul ChanMichael Paul Chan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michael Reilly BurkeMichael Reilly Burke [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michael ShannonMichael Shannon [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michael Sullivan [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Michael WestonMichael Weston [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michael YorkMichael York [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Michel Adatte [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Mickey RooneyMickey Rooney [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Mike Gwilym [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Miles FisherMiles Fisher [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Noah EmmerichNoah Emmerich [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Noah WyleNoah Wyle [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Norbert WeisserNorbert Weisser [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Oliver PlattOliver Platt [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Patricio ContrerasPatricio Contreras [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Patrick DuffyPatrick Duffy [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Paul JabaraPaul Jabara [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Permsak Juhsai [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Perry LangPerry Lang [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Peter JurasikPeter Jurasik [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Peter ScolariPeter Scolari [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Peter StraussPeter Strauss [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Phil DavisPhil Davis [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Philip Michael ThomasPhilip Michael Thomas [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Quinto Gambi [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ray LiottaRay Liotta [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ray LovelockRay Lovelock [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Ray WiseRay Wise [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Remo GironeRemo Girone [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Rich Hall [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Richard DreyfussRichard Dreyfuss [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Richard KlineRichard Kline [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Richard LinebackRichard Lineback [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Richard SammelRichard Sammel [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Richard Tyson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Rick PasqualoneRick Pasqualone [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Rick Podell [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Robert CarlyleRobert Carlyle [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Robert Desiderio [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Robert Lipton [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Robert O'reillyRobert O'reilly [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Robert Perault [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Robert Phalen [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Robert UrichRobert Urich [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Roberto BonanniRoberto Bonanni [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Rodolfo BigottiRodolfo Bigotti [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Rodrigo Obregón [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Roger ComaRoger Coma [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ron Berglas [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Roy Souza [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Sacha Baron cohenSacha Baron cohen [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Sal ViscusoSal Viscuso [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Sam RobardsSam Robards [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Sander Johnson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Sandey Grinn [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Sanford Smith [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Scott BakulaScott Bakula [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Sebastiano SommaSebastiano Somma [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Shaun CassidyShaun Cassidy [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Stephan Goldbach [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Stephen Davies [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Stephen SpinellaStephen Spinella [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Steve PembertonSteve Pemberton [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Steve Stevens [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
StingSting [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Stuart Gillard [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Ted DansonTed Danson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Thomas Ian GriffithThomas Ian Griffith [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tim GuineeTim Guinee [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tim GunnTim Gunn [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tim Haldeman [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tim MathesonTim Matheson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tim RobbinsTim Robbins [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Timothy OmundsonTimothy Omundson [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Todd Sherry [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Todd SusmanTodd Susman [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tom Galantich [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Tom HulceTom Hulce [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tom Schanley [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Tom Sullivan [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Toni Pandolfo [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Vincent Duvall [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Wallace LanghamWallace Langham [Dubbing in 1 Serie TV]
Wayne KnightWayne Knight [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
William FichtnerWilliam Fichtner [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Woody HarrelsonWoody Harrelson [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Yatsugi Khelil [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Yevgeni Shcherbakov [Dubbing in 1 Movie]
Yves Lambrecht [Dubbing in 1 Movie]