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Serie TV: Partners in Crime, Season PILOT (1983)


 Season Episodes

1 Episodes:

1) The Secret Adversary
1983, Time: 115' 


Christopher Hodson [5 Episodes]
Paul Annett [3 Episodes]
Tony Wharmby [3 Episodes]


James WarwickJames Warwick  (Tommy Beresford)[11 Episodes]
Reece DinsdaleReece Dinsdale  (Albert)[11 Episodes]
Martin Rutledge  [1 Episodes]
William HootkinsWilliam Hootkins  [1 Episodes]
Elspeth March  [1 Episodes]
Tim Brierley  [1 Episodes]
George BakerGeorge Baker  [1 Episodes]
Constantine Gregory  [1 Episodes]
Norma West  [1 Episodes]
Lawrence Davidson  [1 Episodes]
Gay Soper  [1 Episodes]
Janet Hampson  [1 Episodes]
Peter GodfreyPeter Godfrey  [1 Episodes]
Bill Dean  [1 Episodes]
Harry FielderHarry Fielder  [1 Episodes]
Carolle Rousseau  [1 Episodes]
Elspeth Macnaughton  [1 Episodes]
Rowena Cooper  [1 Episodes]
Mike Elles  [1 Episodes]
Peter Blythe  [1 Episodes]
Moira Brooker  [1 Episodes]
Tim Pearce  [1 Episodes]
Charles ShaughnessyCharles Shaughnessy  [1 Episodes]
Dorothea Phillips  [1 Episodes]
Geoffrey Drew  [1 Episodes]
Robbie Stevens  [1 Episodes]
Anne StallybrassAnne Stallybrass  [1 Episodes]
Denis Holmes  [1 Episodes]
Mischa De la motte  [1 Episodes]
Alan Jones  [1 Episodes]
Elisabeth Murray  [1 Episodes]
John Fraser  [1 Episodes]
Emily Moore  [1 Episodes]
Terry Cowling  [1 Episodes]
Jennie LindenJennie Linden  [1 Episodes]
Holly Watson  [1 Episodes]
Liz SmithLiz Smith  [1 Episodes]
Pam St. clement  [1 Episodes]
Christopher Scoular  [1 Episodes]
Mark Farmer  [1 Episodes]
T.p.mckenna  [1 Episodes]
Roger Ostime  [1 Episodes]
Jonathan NewthJonathan Newth  [1 Episodes]
Anna Sharkey  [1 Episodes]
Ewan Hooper  [1 Episodes]
Tim Meats  [1 Episodes]
Sussanah Morley  [1 Episodes]
Alec Mccowen  [1 Episodes]
Patrick Marley  [1 Episodes]
George Malpas  [1 Episodes]
Preston Lockwood  [1 Episodes]
Lynsey BaxterLynsey Baxter  [1 Episodes]
Robin Parkinson  [1 Episodes]
Valerie Lilley  [1 Episodes]
Shane RimmerShane Rimmer  [1 Episodes]
Susie Fairfax  [1 Episodes]
Pat GormanPat Gorman  [1 Episodes]
Stan Pretty  [1 Episodes]
Gavan O'HerlihyGavan O'Herlihy  [1 Episodes]
Jo Ross  [1 Episodes]
Ursula Mohan  [1 Episodes]
Chris Johnston  [1 Episodes]
Ellis Dale  [1 Episodes]
Graham CrowdenGraham Crowden  [1 Episodes]
Stephen Wale  [1 Episodes]
Joseph Brady  [1 Episodes]
Toria Fuller  [1 Episodes]
Michael Carter  [1 Episodes]
Anna Turner  [1 Episodes]
Kim Clifford  [1 Episodes]
James Walker  [1 Episodes]
Louisa Rix  [1 Episodes]
David QuilterDavid Quilter  [1 Episodes]
Peter Barkworth  [1 Episodes]
Roger Kemp  [1 Episodes]
Stephen Rashbrook  [1 Episodes]
John Mangan  [1 Episodes]
Wolf KahlerWolf Kahler  [1 Episodes]
Linda MarloweLinda Marlowe  [1 Episodes]
Jason Anderson  [1 Episodes]
Fleur Chandler  [1 Episodes]
Norman Hartley  [1 Episodes]
David Delve  [1 Episodes]
Peter Lovstrom  [1 Episodes]
Gabrielle Blunt  [1 Episodes]
Judy Gridley  [1 Episodes]
Michael Cochrane  [1 Episodes]
Benjamin WhitrowBenjamin Whitrow  [1 Episodes]
Donald HoustonDonald Houston  [1 Episodes]
Terence HillyerTerence Hillyer  [1 Episodes]
Vera Jakob  [1 Episodes]
Elaine Wells  [1 Episodes]
Honor BlackmanHonor Blackman  [1 Episodes]
Paddy Ward  [1 Episodes]
Noel DysonNoel Dyson  [1 Episodes]
Tricia George  [1 Episodes]
Jim Wiggins  [1 Episodes]
Geoffrey Greenhill  [1 Episodes]
Nicholas Geake  [1 Episodes]
Dulcie Gray  [1 Episodes]
Matthew Scurfield  [1 Episodes]
Vivienne Ritchie  [1 Episodes]
Tim WoodwardTim Woodward  [1 Episodes]
Anita Dobson  [1 Episodes]
Edwin Brown (attore)  [1 Episodes]
John Gillett  [1 Episodes]
Phyllida Hewat  [1 Episodes]
Catherine SchellCatherine Schell  [1 Episodes]
Deddie Davies  [1 Episodes]
Lynda la Plante  [1 Episodes]
Michael Jayes  [1 Episodes]
Annie Lambert  [1 Episodes]
Denis LillDenis Lill  [1 Episodes]
Steve Fletcher  [1 Episodes]
Simon Watkins  [1 Episodes]
Clive MerrisonClive Merrison  [1 Episodes]
Jane Booker  [1 Episodes]
Terence ConoleyTerence Conoley  [1 Episodes]
Granville Saxton  [1 Episodes]