Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Serie TV: Studio One, Season 1951-1952 (1951)


 Season Episodes

51 Episodes:

5) Colonel Judas
6) Macbeth
8) The Hero
15) Sara Crewe
18) Waterfront Boss
20) Burden of Guilt
22) Pagoda
23) Success Story
24) Letter from an Unknown Woman
february 25, 1952, Time: 60' 
28) Miss Hargreaves
30) Pontius Pilate
33) The Deep Dark
34) Treasure Island
37) Abraham Lincoln
45) Jane Eyre
49) Stan, the Killer
september 1, 1952, Time: 60' 
51) The Shadowy Third
september 15, 1952, Time: 60' 


Franklin J. Schaffner [21 Episodes]
Paul Nickell [20 Episodes]
David Lowell RichDavid Lowell Rich [1 Episodes]
Andrew Mccullough [1 Episodes]
Lela Swift [1 Episodes]
Matt Harlib [1 Episodes]
Martin Magner [1 Episodes]
Jack Gage [1 Episodes]


Betty FurnessBetty Furness  [51 Episodes]
Harry TownesHarry Townes  [5 Episodes]
Maria RivaMaria Riva  [4 Episodes]
Victor Thorley  [3 Episodes]
John ForsytheJohn Forsythe  [3 Episodes]
Berry Kroeger  [3 Episodes]
Thomas MitchellThomas Mitchell  [3 Episodes]
Robert Pastene  [3 Episodes]
Alan Devitt  [3 Episodes]
Richard Purdy  [3 Episodes]
Noel Leslie  [3 Episodes]
Frances Fuller  [3 Episodes]
Charlton HestonCharlton Heston  [3 Episodes]
Rita Morley  [3 Episodes]
Murray MathesonMurray Matheson  [3 Episodes]
Ralph NelsonRalph Nelson  [2 Episodes]
Jason EversJason Evers  [2 Episodes]
Scott Forbes  [2 Episodes]
James DeanJames Dean  [2 Episodes]
Romney BrentRomney Brent  [2 Episodes]
Justice WatsonJustice Watson  [2 Episodes]
George Ives (attore)  [2 Episodes]
Patricia Wheel  [2 Episodes]
Martin Kosleck  [2 Episodes]
Stella Andrew  [2 Episodes]
Boris KarloffBoris Karloff  [2 Episodes]
Betty Low  [2 Episodes]
Judson LaireJudson Laire  [2 Episodes]
Joe MarossJoe Maross  [2 Episodes]
Victor JoryVictor Jory  [2 Episodes]
Rita Grapel  [2 Episodes]
Skip HomeierSkip Homeier  [2 Episodes]
Francis L. SullivanFrancis L. Sullivan  [2 Episodes]
Victor Rendina  [2 Episodes]
Francis Compton  [2 Episodes]
Judith EvelynJudith Evelyn  [2 Episodes]
Eli Mintz  [2 Episodes]
Robert Dale martin  [2 Episodes]
Anne SeymourAnne Seymour  [2 Episodes]
Fred J. scollayFred J. scollay  [2 Episodes]
Walter SlezakWalter Slezak  [2 Episodes]
Priscilla Gillette  [2 Episodes]
Frank OvertonFrank Overton  [2 Episodes]
Roy Johnson  [2 Episodes]
Robert Duke  [2 Episodes]
Lili Darvas  [2 Episodes]
Alan Shayne  [2 Episodes]
Casey Allen  [2 Episodes]
Reinhold SchunzelReinhold Schunzel  [2 Episodes]
Anthony Ross  [2 Episodes]
Howard St. johnHoward St. john  [2 Episodes]
Joan Wetmore  [2 Episodes]
Dan Morgan  [2 Episodes]
Whit BissellWhit Bissell  [2 Episodes]
Sydney Smith  [2 Episodes]
Wright KingWright King  [2 Episodes]
Richard Mcmurray  [2 Episodes]
Dorothy Blackburn  [1 Episodes]
Alan Macateer  [1 Episodes]
Jean Adair  [1 Episodes]
Jane WyattJane Wyatt  [1 Episodes]
Stuart BurgeStuart Burge  [1 Episodes]
Howard WendellHoward Wendell  [1 Episodes]
Stacy Graham  [1 Episodes]
Jerry Hackady  [1 Episodes]
Joseph CampanellaJoseph Campanella  [1 Episodes]
Kurt Katch  [1 Episodes]
Stefan Schnabel  [1 Episodes]
Elaine Ellis  [1 Episodes]
Richard CarlsonRichard Carlson  [1 Episodes]
Don Fellows  [1 Episodes]
Jack LambertJack Lambert  [1 Episodes]
Vince O'brien  [1 Episodes]
Madge Elliott  [1 Episodes]
William Podmore  [1 Episodes]
Tony RandallTony Randall  [1 Episodes]
Graham Denton  [1 Episodes]
James NobleJames Noble  [1 Episodes]
Loretta Daye  [1 Episodes]
Josephine Brown  [1 Episodes]
Leonard Sues  [1 Episodes]
Melvyn DouglasMelvyn Douglas  [1 Episodes]
Shepperd Strudwick  [1 Episodes]
Niall MacGinnis  [1 Episodes]
Raymond Rizzo  [1 Episodes]
Philip Rodd  [1 Episodes]
Lee GrantLee Grant  [1 Episodes]
Marcel Hillaire  [1 Episodes]
Robert Haines  [1 Episodes]
Thomas Nello  [1 Episodes]
Nan Mcfarland  [1 Episodes]
Addison Powell  [1 Episodes]
Will Lee  [1 Episodes]
Carmen MathewsCarmen Mathews  [1 Episodes]
Lou Gilbert  [1 Episodes]
Anthony DawsonAnthony Dawson  [1 Episodes]
Jim GoodwinJim Goodwin  [1 Episodes]
Henry Lascoe  [1 Episodes]
Catherine Willard  [1 Episodes]
Ann Sorg  [1 Episodes]
Marc Platt  [1 Episodes]
Muriel HutchisonMuriel Hutchison  [1 Episodes]
Wendy Drew  [1 Episodes]
Katharine Raht  [1 Episodes]
Philippa Bevans  [1 Episodes]
Anthony Grey  [1 Episodes]
Anthony Hawtrey  [1 Episodes]
Nita TalbotNita Talbot  [1 Episodes]
Kent SmithKent Smith  [1 Episodes]
Ron Hargrave  [1 Episodes]
Lisa Ferraday  [1 Episodes]
Edward BinnsEdward Binns  [1 Episodes]
Harry Landers  [1 Episodes]
Doris RobertsDoris Roberts  [1 Episodes]
Charles Cooper  [1 Episodes]
Kirby GrantKirby Grant  [1 Episodes]
John BaragreyJohn Baragrey  [1 Episodes]
Russell Hardie  [1 Episodes]
Glynis JohnsGlynis Johns  [1 Episodes]
Richard KileyRichard Kiley  [1 Episodes]
Grady SuttonGrady Sutton  [1 Episodes]
Robert H. harrisRobert H. harris  [1 Episodes]
Lotte Stavisky  [1 Episodes]
Barry Macollum  [1 Episodes]
Chet StrattonChet Stratton  [1 Episodes]
Guy WilliamsGuy Williams  [1 Episodes]
Ron Johnson  [1 Episodes]
Darthy E. hinckley  [1 Episodes]
Viveca LindforsViveca Lindfors  [1 Episodes]
Frank Silvera  [1 Episodes]
Zamah Cunningham  [1 Episodes]
Charles Jordan  [1 Episodes]
Lawrence Fletcher  [1 Episodes]
Charles Massinger  [1 Episodes]
Eli WallachEli Wallach  [1 Episodes]
Eduardo CiannelliEduardo Ciannelli  [1 Episodes]
Peter Brandon  [1 Episodes]
Peter Avarmo  [1 Episodes]
Grace KellyGrace Kelly  [1 Episodes]
Cyril RitchardCyril Ritchard  [1 Episodes]
Edith FellowsEdith Fellows  [1 Episodes]
Logan Field  [1 Episodes]
Louise Larabee  [1 Episodes]
Melville CooperMelville Cooper  [1 Episodes]
Lee PhilipsLee Philips  [1 Episodes]
Katherine Emmet  [1 Episodes]
Phoebe Mackay  [1 Episodes]
Leon AskinLeon Askin  [1 Episodes]
Joshua Shelley  [1 Episodes]
Forrest Wood  [1 Episodes]
Eva Leonard boyne  [1 Episodes]
Kathy Willard  [1 Episodes]
Patricia CollingePatricia Collinge  [1 Episodes]
Philip AbbottPhilip Abbott  [1 Episodes]
Catherine McleodCatherine Mcleod  [1 Episodes]
Frederic Tozere  [1 Episodes]
Larry Weber  [1 Episodes]
Morton Stevens  [1 Episodes]
Kevin MccarthyKevin Mccarthy  [1 Episodes]
Royal DanoRoyal Dano  [1 Episodes]
Rosemary Prinz  [1 Episodes]
Tomi Romer  [1 Episodes]
Phyllis KirkPhyllis Kirk  [1 Episodes]
Harry Davis  [1 Episodes]
Shirley Ballard  [1 Episodes]
Jaqueline DewitJaqueline Dewit  [1 Episodes]
Harold Vermilyea  [1 Episodes]
Iris Mann  [1 Episodes]
Carol Bruce  [1 Episodes]
Guy SpaullGuy Spaull  [1 Episodes]
Katharine BardKatharine Bard  [1 Episodes]
Leslie Barrett  [1 Episodes]
Leonard Barry  [1 Episodes]
Lloyd BridgesLloyd Bridges  [1 Episodes]
Richard Ney  [1 Episodes]
Jon LormerJon Lormer  [1 Episodes]
Pauline Drake  [1 Episodes]
Viola Roache  [1 Episodes]
Robert WebberRobert Webber  [1 Episodes]
Robert Donley  [1 Episodes]
Harry Gresham  [1 Episodes]
Irja Jensen  [1 Episodes]
Mary WickesMary Wickes  [1 Episodes]
Rosalind IvanRosalind Ivan  [1 Episodes]
James NolanJames Nolan  [1 Episodes]
Wolfgang Zilzer  [1 Episodes]
Felicia MontealegreFelicia Montealegre  [1 Episodes]
Albert DekkerAlbert Dekker  [1 Episodes]
Robert CooteRobert Coote  [1 Episodes]
Marian SeldesMarian Seldes  [1 Episodes]
Edgar StehliEdgar Stehli  [1 Episodes]
Geraldine PageGeraldine Page  [1 Episodes]
Ann ShoemakerAnn Shoemaker  [1 Episodes]
Hildy ParksHildy Parks  [1 Episodes]
Paul Hartman  [1 Episodes]
Tom Ewell  [1 Episodes]
Harry Cooke  [1 Episodes]
James Bender  [1 Episodes]
Vaughn TaylorVaughn Taylor  [1 Episodes]
June DaytonJune Dayton  [1 Episodes]
Jim Davidson  [1 Episodes]
Paul Andar  [1 Episodes]
Una O'connorUna O'connor  [1 Episodes]
Ann GillisAnn Gillis  [1 Episodes]
Salem Ludwig  [1 Episodes]
Gerald Milton  [1 Episodes]
Mary Sinclair  [1 Episodes]
Nell Harrison  [1 Episodes]
Michael Mcaloney  [1 Episodes]
Tom HelmoreTom Helmore  [1 Episodes]
Louise AllbrittonLouise Allbritton  [1 Episodes]
Bea ArthurBea Arthur  [1 Episodes]
Virginia Mattis  [1 Episodes]
Geraldine FitzgeraldGeraldine Fitzgerald  [1 Episodes]
Celia JohnsonCelia Johnson  [1 Episodes]
Michael Wager  [1 Episodes]
John Boruff  [1 Episodes]
Darren McGavinDarren McGavin  [1 Episodes]
Joseph Walsh  [1 Episodes]
Frances Starr  [1 Episodes]
Judy Parrish  [1 Episodes]
Bramwell Fletcher  [1 Episodes]
Lydia ClarkeLydia Clarke  [1 Episodes]
Robert McqueeneyRobert Mcqueeney  [1 Episodes]
Nancy Devlin  [1 Episodes]
Charles Eggleston  [1 Episodes]
Lloyd BochnerLloyd Bochner  [1 Episodes]
James WesterfieldJames Westerfield  [1 Episodes]
Rex O'malleyRex O'malley  [1 Episodes]
Sono Osato  [1 Episodes]
Basil Howes  [1 Episodes]
Harold Mcgee  [1 Episodes]
Jack PalanceJack Palance  [1 Episodes]
Henry StephensonHenry Stephenson  [1 Episodes]
Peg HilliasPeg Hillias  [1 Episodes]