Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Serie TV: Studio One, Season 1953-1954 (1953)


 Season Episodes

52 Episodes:

1) 1984
2) Hound-Dog Man
8) Camille
12) Dry Run
13) All My Love
14) Cinderella '53
16) The Runaway
22) Dark Possession
24) Side Street
27) The Expendables
29) Stir Mugs
32) Romney
35) Castle in Spain
38) The Strike
39) A Letter to Mr.
41) Screwball
42) The Small Door
45) The Hero
47) Sue Ellen
50) The Secret Self
51) U.F.O.
september 6, 1954, Time: 60' 
52) The Cliff
september 13, 1954, Time: 60' 


Paul Nickell [20 Episodes]
Franklin J. Schaffner [19 Episodes]
Allen Reisner [7 Episodes]
Mel Ferber [4 Episodes]


Betty FurnessBetty Furness  [52 Episodes]
Leslie NielsenLeslie Nielsen  [4 Episodes]
David SheinerDavid Sheiner  [3 Episodes]
Lorne GreeneLorne Greene  [3 Episodes]
Barbara O'neil  [3 Episodes]
Susan Hallaran  [3 Episodes]
Betsy PalmerBetsy Palmer  [3 Episodes]
Richard KileyRichard Kiley  [3 Episodes]
Carol Hemming  [2 Episodes]
Chris Gampel  [2 Episodes]
Art CarneyArt Carney  [2 Episodes]
John Shellie  [2 Episodes]
Pud Flanagan  [2 Episodes]
Arthur FranzArthur Franz  [2 Episodes]
Wesley AddyWesley Addy  [2 Episodes]
Addison RichardsAddison Richards  [2 Episodes]
Fred J. scollayFred J. scollay  [2 Episodes]
Madge Evans  [2 Episodes]
Jack WardenJack Warden  [2 Episodes]
Biff Mcguire  [2 Episodes]
Laurence Hugo  [2 Episodes]
Parker Fennelly  [2 Episodes]
James GregoryJames Gregory  [2 Episodes]
Patricia Wheel  [2 Episodes]
Chester MorrisChester Morris  [2 Episodes]
Steve CochranSteve Cochran  [2 Episodes]
Charles Taylor  [2 Episodes]
Paul Stevens  [2 Episodes]
Don Hollenbeck  [2 Episodes]
Maria RivaMaria Riva  [2 Episodes]
Peter Ostroff  [2 Episodes]
Victor Thorley  [2 Episodes]
Skip HomeierSkip Homeier  [2 Episodes]
Kenneth Utt  [2 Episodes]
Nina FochNina Foch  [2 Episodes]
Patricia Breslin  [2 Episodes]
Cy Chermak  [2 Episodes]
Tirrell Barbery  [2 Episodes]
Bramwell Fletcher  [2 Episodes]
Peter Capell  [2 Episodes]
Hildy ParksHildy Parks  [2 Episodes]
Nydia WestmanNydia Westman  [2 Episodes]
Frederick Rolf  [1 Episodes]
David WhiteDavid White  [1 Episodes]
Mario Badolati  [1 Episodes]
Michael Sheehan  [1 Episodes]
Sally ForrestSally Forrest  [1 Episodes]
Harry BellaverHarry Bellaver  [1 Episodes]
Whitfield Connor  [1 Episodes]
Andre Charisse  [1 Episodes]
Heywood Hale BrounHeywood Hale Broun  [1 Episodes]
William Whitman  [1 Episodes]
Elsa LanchesterElsa Lanchester  [1 Episodes]
Jackie CooperJackie Cooper  [1 Episodes]
Charles Korvin  [1 Episodes]
Stephen Meininger  [1 Episodes]
Patricia NealPatricia Neal  [1 Episodes]
Roy RobertsRoy Roberts  [1 Episodes]
George Brenlin  [1 Episodes]
Peter Lind Hayes  [1 Episodes]
Hugh ReillyHugh Reilly  [1 Episodes]
John Boruff  [1 Episodes]
Priscilla Gillette  [1 Episodes]
Robert CulpRobert Culp  [1 Episodes]
Stefan Olsen  [1 Episodes]
Geraldine BrooksGeraldine Brooks  [1 Episodes]
Joseph Walsh  [1 Episodes]
Douglas Taylor  [1 Episodes]
Nell O'day  [1 Episodes]
Robert MiddletonRobert Middleton  [1 Episodes]
George AxelrodGeorge Axelrod  [1 Episodes]
Arnold MossArnold Moss  [1 Episodes]
Robert P. lieb  [1 Episodes]
Mark RobertsMark Roberts  [1 Episodes]
Lee Goodman  [1 Episodes]
Eugene Peterson  [1 Episodes]
Charles Rae king  [1 Episodes]
Cora WitherspoonCora Witherspoon  [1 Episodes]
Paul LangtonPaul Langton  [1 Episodes]
Francis Compton  [1 Episodes]
Hiram ShermanHiram Sherman  [1 Episodes]
Paul Lilly  [1 Episodes]
Geraldine FitzgeraldGeraldine Fitzgerald  [1 Episodes]
Frances Starr  [1 Episodes]
Stanley Martin  [1 Episodes]
Everett SloaneEverett Sloane  [1 Episodes]
Constance FordConstance Ford  [1 Episodes]
Judith Lowry  [1 Episodes]
Martin Brandt  [1 Episodes]
Griff Evans  [1 Episodes]
Helen Auerbach  [1 Episodes]
Walter BrookeWalter Brooke  [1 Episodes]
Carroll Saint  [1 Episodes]
Janice RuleJanice Rule  [1 Episodes]
Nicholas JoyNicholas Joy  [1 Episodes]
Mary WickesMary Wickes  [1 Episodes]
Philip BourneufPhilip Bourneuf  [1 Episodes]
Gene LyonsGene Lyons  [1 Episodes]
Frederic Downs  [1 Episodes]
Madeline Clive  [1 Episodes]
Walter F. appler  [1 Episodes]
Hurd HatfieldHurd Hatfield  [1 Episodes]
Werner KlempererWerner Klemperer  [1 Episodes]
Murray MathesonMurray Matheson  [1 Episodes]
Frederick WorlockFrederick Worlock  [1 Episodes]
William F. leicester  [1 Episodes]
Perry Fiske  [1 Episodes]
Solange Podell  [1 Episodes]
Frank MarthFrank Marth  [1 Episodes]
Jerome Kilty  [1 Episodes]
Leora Thatcher  [1 Episodes]
Billy Nalle  [1 Episodes]
Barbara NicholsBarbara Nichols  [1 Episodes]
Ruth WhiteRuth White  [1 Episodes]
James BroderickJames Broderick  [1 Episodes]
Fredd Wayne  [1 Episodes]
Sally Chamberlin  [1 Episodes]
Rita Grapel  [1 Episodes]
Warren StevensWarren Stevens  [1 Episodes]
Frances Miller  [1 Episodes]
Georgann JohnsonGeorgann Johnson  [1 Episodes]
Romney BrentRomney Brent  [1 Episodes]
Oliver Andes  [1 Episodes]
Norma Crane  [1 Episodes]
Mary AstorMary Astor  [1 Episodes]
Glenn Walken  [1 Episodes]
Wyatt Cooper  [1 Episodes]
Chet StrattonChet Stratton  [1 Episodes]
Nelson Olmsted  [1 Episodes]
Janice Mars  [1 Episodes]
Ludwig Rüth  [1 Episodes]
George VoskovecGeorge Voskovec  [1 Episodes]
Inger StevensInger Stevens  [1 Episodes]
Frank OvertonFrank Overton  [1 Episodes]
Sylvia Field  [1 Episodes]
Marjorie EatonMarjorie Eaton  [1 Episodes]
Anne FrancineAnne Francine  [1 Episodes]
Eva CondonEva Condon  [1 Episodes]
David OpatoshuDavid Opatoshu  [1 Episodes]
Harry Sheppard  [1 Episodes]
Eddie AlbertEddie Albert  [1 Episodes]
Nancy KellyNancy Kelly  [1 Episodes]
Augusta Dabney  [1 Episodes]
Donald Briggs  [1 Episodes]
Sally Gracie  [1 Episodes]
Noel Leslie  [1 Episodes]
Ruth Amos  [1 Episodes]
Doreen LangDoreen Lang  [1 Episodes]
Michael Strong  [1 Episodes]
Gwen Anderson  [1 Episodes]
Lois Holmes  [1 Episodes]
Marcel Hillaire  [1 Episodes]
O.Z. WhiteheadO.Z. Whitehead  [1 Episodes]
Truman Smith  [1 Episodes]
Jacqueline SusannJacqueline Susann  [1 Episodes]
Jack Ragotzy  [1 Episodes]
Norman FellNorman Fell  [1 Episodes]
Peggy Allenby  [1 Episodes]
Wallace FordWallace Ford  [1 Episodes]
George Matthews  [1 Episodes]
Robert H. harrisRobert H. harris  [1 Episodes]
Ralph Bunker  [1 Episodes]
Peg HilliasPeg Hillias  [1 Episodes]
Milton SelzerMilton Selzer  [1 Episodes]
Edgar StehliEdgar Stehli  [1 Episodes]
June DaytonJune Dayton  [1 Episodes]
Vilma Kurer  [1 Episodes]
E.G. MarshallE.G. Marshall  [1 Episodes]
Iola Lynn  [1 Episodes]
Bethel LeslieBethel Leslie  [1 Episodes]
Jack Carter  [1 Episodes]
Martin Kosleck  [1 Episodes]
Lucie Lancaster  [1 Episodes]
George Mathews  [1 Episodes]
Flora Campbell  [1 Episodes]
Estelle WinwoodEstelle Winwood  [1 Episodes]
Joan LorringJoan Lorring  [1 Episodes]
Harry Bergman  [1 Episodes]
Ray WalstonRay Walston  [1 Episodes]
Joanne LinvilleJoanne Linville  [1 Episodes]
Frances Fuller  [1 Episodes]
John DennisJohn Dennis  [1 Episodes]
Haila Stoddard  [1 Episodes]
Vaughn TaylorVaughn Taylor  [1 Episodes]
Mary Linn beller  [1 Episodes]
John McliamJohn Mcliam  [1 Episodes]
Charles RugglesCharles Ruggles  [1 Episodes]
Joseph RomanJoseph Roman  [1 Episodes]
Margaret HamiltonMargaret Hamilton  [1 Episodes]
Alfred ZeislerAlfred Zeisler  [1 Episodes]
Lynn LoringLynn Loring  [1 Episodes]
John c. Becher  [1 Episodes]
Sylvia Stone  [1 Episodes]
Frank AlbertsonFrank Albertson  [1 Episodes]
Belle Flower  [1 Episodes]
Darren McGavinDarren McGavin  [1 Episodes]
Conrad JanisConrad Janis  [1 Episodes]
Joe MarossJoe Maross  [1 Episodes]
Harry TownesHarry Townes  [1 Episodes]
Ann Cameron  [1 Episodes]
Peter Cookson  [1 Episodes]
Robert Fortin  [1 Episodes]
Lee RemickLee Remick  [1 Episodes]
William Andrews  [1 Episodes]
Harry Bannister  [1 Episodes]
Joan Wetmore  [1 Episodes]
Arthur O'connellArthur O'connell  [1 Episodes]
James Vickery  [1 Episodes]
Patrick O'nealPatrick O'neal  [1 Episodes]
Eva GaborEva Gabor  [1 Episodes]
Henry BeckmanHenry Beckman  [1 Episodes]
John BaragreyJohn Baragrey  [1 Episodes]
Katharine BardKatharine Bard  [1 Episodes]
Dorothy Sands  [1 Episodes]
James Coots  [1 Episodes]
Walter MatthauWalter Matthau  [1 Episodes]
David Atkinson  [1 Episodes]
Royal DanoRoyal Dano  [1 Episodes]
Luther Adler  [1 Episodes]
Norma Connolly  [1 Episodes]
Jerome CowanJerome Cowan  [1 Episodes]
Dick ForanDick Foran  [1 Episodes]
Vincent Van lynn  [1 Episodes]
James DalyJames Daly  [1 Episodes]
Andrew Gainey  [1 Episodes]
Robert KeithRobert Keith  [1 Episodes]
Lee BergereLee Bergere  [1 Episodes]
Catherine McleodCatherine Mcleod  [1 Episodes]
Wesley LauWesley Lau  [1 Episodes]
Charles Andre  [1 Episodes]
Herbert King  [1 Episodes]
Bob Drew  [1 Episodes]
Martin E. BrooksMartin E. Brooks  [1 Episodes]
Staats Cotsworth  [1 Episodes]
Tamara Daykarhanova  [1 Episodes]
Claude DauphinClaude Dauphin  [1 Episodes]
Dickie Olsen  [1 Episodes]
Joanne WoodwardJoanne Woodward  [1 Episodes]
Philip AbbottPhilip Abbott  [1 Episodes]
Sara SeegarSara Seegar  [1 Episodes]
Michael Enserro  [1 Episodes]
Susan Steel  [1 Episodes]
William HarriganWilliam Harrigan  [1 Episodes]
Paul Hartman  [1 Episodes]
Natalie SchaferNatalie Schafer  [1 Episodes]
Bert FreedBert Freed  [1 Episodes]
Bill Clifton  [1 Episodes]
Patricia CollingePatricia Collinge  [1 Episodes]
Lucile WatsonLucile Watson  [1 Episodes]
Mary Healy  [1 Episodes]
Roland Wood  [1 Episodes]
William Flatley  [1 Episodes]
Irma Sandrey  [1 Episodes]
Lois SmithLois Smith  [1 Episodes]
Lloyd Knight  [1 Episodes]
Basil RathboneBasil Rathbone  [1 Episodes]
Anthony Ross  [1 Episodes]
Howard St. johnHoward St. john  [1 Episodes]
Reginald Mason  [1 Episodes]
Betty Sinclair  [1 Episodes]