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Serie TV: Supernatural, Season 2014-2015 (2014)


 Season Episodes

23 Episodes:

1) Black
2) Reichenbach
3) Soul Survivor
4) Paper Moon
5) Fan Fiction
6) Ask Jeeves
8) Hibbing 911
12) About a Boy
16) Paint It Black
17) Inside Man
20) Angel Heart
21) Dark Dynasty
22) The Prisoner


Philip SgricciaPhilip Sgriccia [4 Episodes]
Robert SingerRobert Singer [3 Episodes]
Thomas J. WrightThomas J. Wright [2 Episodes]
John F. Showalter [2 Episodes]
John BadhamJohn Badham [2 Episodes]
Guy Norman BeeGuy Norman Bee [1 Episodes]
Tim AndrewTim Andrew [1 Episodes]
Rashaad Ernesto GreenRashaad Ernesto Green [1 Episodes]
Jeannot SzwarcJeannot Szwarc [1 Episodes]
Stefan PleszczynskiStefan Pleszczynski [1 Episodes]
Serge Ladouceur [1 Episodes]
Steve Boyum [1 Episodes]
John Maccarthy [1 Episodes]
P.j.pesce [1 Episodes]
Jensen AcklesJensen Ackles [1 Episodes]


Jensen AcklesJensen Ackles  (Dean Winchester)[23 Episodes]
Misha CollinsMisha Collins  (Castiel)[13 Episodes]
Mark SheppardMark Sheppard  (Crowley)[13 Episodes]
Ruth Connell  (Rowena Macleod)[12 Episodes]
Felicia DayFelicia Day  (Charlie Bradbury)[4 Episodes]
Curtis ArmstrongCurtis Armstrong  (Metatron)[4 Episodes]
Erica CarrollErica Carroll  (Hannah)[4 Episodes]
Kathryn NewtonKathryn Newton  (Claire Novak)[3 Episodes]
John SpecognaJohn Specogna  [3 Episodes]
Timothy OmundsonTimothy Omundson  (Caino)[2 Episodes]
Russell Roberts  (Guthrie)[2 Episodes]
Viv LeacockViv Leacock  (Gerald)[2 Episodes]
Markus Flanagan  (Monroe Styne)[2 Episodes]
Raquel Riskin  [2 Episodes]
Emily Fonda  [2 Episodes]
David NyklDavid Nykl  [2 Episodes]
David HoflinDavid Hoflin  [2 Episodes]
Nathan Dales  [2 Episodes]
Matt BellefleurMatt Bellefleur  [2 Episodes]
Jud TylorJud Tylor  [2 Episodes]
Curtis LumCurtis Lum  [2 Episodes]
Jim BeaverJim Beaver  (Bobby Singer)[1 Episodes]
Ty OlssonTy Olsson  (Eli)[1 Episodes]
Bradley StrykerBradley Stryker  (Zio Ted)[1 Episodes]
Paul McGillionPaul McGillion  (Jim Grossman)[1 Episodes]
Julian RichingsJulian Richings  (Morte)[1 Episodes]
Ty OlssonTy Olsson  (Benny Lafitte)[1 Episodes]
Danielle Kremeniuk  (Ingrid)[1 Episodes]
Giacomo BaessatoGiacomo Baessato  (Daniel)[1 Episodes]
Emily TennantEmily Tennant  (Tasha)[1 Episodes]
Katie Sarife  (Marie)[1 Episodes]
Matthew Harrison  (Stanton)[1 Episodes]
Clare Filipow  (Amber)[1 Episodes]
Kevin McNultyKevin McNulty  (Phillip)[1 Episodes]
Doug AbrahamsDoug Abrahams  (Det. Howard)[1 Episodes]
Marcus Rosner  (Dash)[1 Episodes]
Debra McCabeDebra McCabe  (Beverly)[1 Episodes]
Keith Mackechnie  (Chaz)[1 Episodes]
Celia Reid  (Brit)[1 Episodes]
Duncan Fraser  (Clive Dillon)[1 Episodes]
Paul McGillionPaul McGillion  (Peter Harper)[1 Episodes]
Richard Newman  (Oliver Pryce)[1 Episodes]
Russell Porter  [1 Episodes]
Matthew Mylrea  [1 Episodes]
Aidan Dee  [1 Episodes]
Natalie SharpNatalie Sharp  [1 Episodes]
Jay Hindle  [1 Episodes]
Cameron Crosby  [1 Episodes]
Robert Salvador  [1 Episodes]
Jay GruskaJay Gruska  [1 Episodes]
Josh SsettubaJosh Ssettuba  [1 Episodes]
Erica Tremblay  [1 Episodes]
Gerardo BarcalaGerardo Barcala  [1 Episodes]
Roark CritchlowRoark Critchlow  [1 Episodes]
Fraser Corbett  [1 Episodes]
Joey Coleman  [1 Episodes]
Kirsten Comerford  [1 Episodes]
Ben Corns  [1 Episodes]
Fiona Hogan  [1 Episodes]
Ellie HarvieEllie Harvie  [1 Episodes]
Brad KellyBrad Kelly  [1 Episodes]
Monice Peter  [1 Episodes]
Willa Milner  [1 Episodes]
Noah Beggs  [1 Episodes]
Alberta Mayne  [1 Episodes]
Emmy O'leary  [1 Episodes]
Debs Howard  [1 Episodes]
Hannah LevienHannah Levien  [1 Episodes]
Jesse james Pierce  [1 Episodes]
Brit Sheridan  [1 Episodes]
Bruce Green  [1 Episodes]
Gillian VigmanGillian Vigman  [1 Episodes]
Russell Thomas  [1 Episodes]
Aren BuchholzAren Buchholz  [1 Episodes]
Alyson BathAlyson Bath  [1 Episodes]
Colten Carpentier  [1 Episodes]
Mark Acheson  [1 Episodes]
Lesley NicolLesley Nicol  [1 Episodes]
Crystal Mudry  [1 Episodes]
Steve Baran  [1 Episodes]
Peter J. Gray  [1 Episodes]
Brad MannBrad Mann  [1 Episodes]
Michael Antonakos  [1 Episodes]
Jeremy Thorsen  [1 Episodes]
Paula Burrows  [1 Episodes]
Nels Lennarson  [1 Episodes]
Michelle MorganMichelle Morgan  [1 Episodes]
Morgan taylor Campbell  [1 Episodes]
Jeffrey C.r. wallace  [1 Episodes]
Erika-shaye GairErika-shaye Gair  [1 Episodes]
Kai Kennedy  [1 Episodes]
Matthew Enright  [1 Episodes]
John DesantisJohn Desantis  [1 Episodes]
Caroll Spinney  [1 Episodes]
Leisha HaileyLeisha Hailey  [1 Episodes]
Jason william DayJason william Day  [1 Episodes]
Wesley Salter  [1 Episodes]
Daniel MartinDaniel Martin  [1 Episodes]
Rachel KellerRachel Keller  [1 Episodes]
Roger Haskett  [1 Episodes]
Christiaan Westerveld  [1 Episodes]
Todd MannTodd Mann  [1 Episodes]
Chelsea Hobbs  [1 Episodes]
Virgil Davies  [1 Episodes]
Christina Gooding  [1 Episodes]
Robin Wilcock  [1 Episodes]
Madeleine ArthurMadeleine Arthur  [1 Episodes]
Christian Bower  [1 Episodes]
Jaeson Lee  [1 Episodes]
Corey Schmitt  [1 Episodes]
Zachary Gulka  [1 Episodes]
Jason Wingham  [1 Episodes]
Robert Egger  [1 Episodes]
Sean Baden  [1 Episodes]
Teryl RotheryTeryl Rothery  [1 Episodes]
James Dreichel  [1 Episodes]
Tara Pratt  [1 Episodes]
Roman Blomme  [1 Episodes]
Brenda BakkeBrenda Bakke  [1 Episodes]
Josh Emerson  [1 Episodes]
Michael karl Richards  [1 Episodes]
Rowan SchlosbergRowan Schlosberg  [1 Episodes]
Steve BelfordSteve Belford  [1 Episodes]
Ellen Ewusie  [1 Episodes]
Christoff Lundgren  [1 Episodes]
Georgia BeatyGeorgia Beaty  [1 Episodes]
Nigel Vonas  [1 Episodes]
David Cameron  [1 Episodes]
Patrick Sparling  [1 Episodes]
Rachel Warkentin  [1 Episodes]
Chris Bradford  [1 Episodes]
Pippa Mackie  [1 Episodes]
Mackenzie Murdock  [1 Episodes]
Jake Guy  [1 Episodes]
J. Alex BrinsonJ. Alex Brinson  [1 Episodes]
Richard de KlerkRichard de Klerk  [1 Episodes]
Steve Elliott  [1 Episodes]
Wendy Abbott  [1 Episodes]
Thomas NewmanThomas Newman  [1 Episodes]
Michael Dickson  [1 Episodes]
Werner Degan  [1 Episodes]
Glenn Williams  [1 Episodes]
Emilija BaranacEmilija Baranac  [1 Episodes]
Keith martin Gordey  [1 Episodes]
Sean Hewlett  [1 Episodes]
Quinn Bui  [1 Episodes]
Carter Kinsella  [1 Episodes]
Rhys WilliamsRhys Williams  [1 Episodes]
Connor PriceConnor Price  [1 Episodes]
Robert Moloney  [1 Episodes]
Ronald patrick ThompsonRonald patrick Thompson  [1 Episodes]
Dylan Everett  [1 Episodes]
Jannen Karr  [1 Episodes]
Iris Quinn  [1 Episodes]
Guy Fauchon  [1 Episodes]
Andy Nez  [1 Episodes]
Brandyn Eddy  [1 Episodes]
Alyssa Lynch  [1 Episodes]
Jacqueline SamudaJacqueline Samuda  [1 Episodes]
Lee MajdoubLee Majdoub  [1 Episodes]
Jeff Branson  [1 Episodes]
George Klimovich  [1 Episodes]
Martin Budny  [1 Episodes]
Jennifer CoppingJennifer Copping  [1 Episodes]
John Mackie  [1 Episodes]
Kavan SmithKavan Smith  [1 Episodes]
Gina Chiarelli  [1 Episodes]
Darren MannDarren Mann  [1 Episodes]
Andrew Neil mckenzie  [1 Episodes]
Gina Davies  [1 Episodes]
Helena Marie  [1 Episodes]
Sean Campbell  [1 Episodes]
Jackson Berlin  [1 Episodes]
Eric Pollins  [1 Episodes]
Primo AllonPrimo Allon  [1 Episodes]
Stormy Ent  [1 Episodes]
Ian Collins  [1 Episodes]
Michael Soltis  [1 Episodes]
Madison Smith  [1 Episodes]
Ryan Dumontel  [1 Episodes]
Treva EtienneTreva Etienne  [1 Episodes]
Elysia RotaruElysia Rotaru  [1 Episodes]
Joy Regullano  [1 Episodes]
Matteo Stefan  [1 Episodes]
Chris Mcnally  [1 Episodes]
Rachel Sheen  [1 Episodes]
Izabella MikoIzabella Miko  [1 Episodes]
Peter Anderson  [1 Episodes]
Nesta Cooper  [1 Episodes]
Lee ShortenLee Shorten  [1 Episodes]
Robert Underwood  [1 Episodes]
Kelly Ann woods  [1 Episodes]
Jakob Davies  [1 Episodes]
Jack Evans  [1 Episodes]
Simon ChinSimon Chin  [1 Episodes]
Carolyn Adair  [1 Episodes]
Kehli O'byrneKehli O'byrne  [1 Episodes]
Stephen HuszarStephen Huszar  [1 Episodes]
Tatyana Forrest  [1 Episodes]
Jenn Bird  [1 Episodes]
Marina Pasqua  [1 Episodes]
Barbara Kottmeier  [1 Episodes]
Gary Sanghera  [1 Episodes]