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Serie TV: Supernatural, Season 2013-2014 (2013)


 Season Episodes

23 Episodes:

3) I'm No Angel
4) Slumber Party
7) Bad Boys
9) Holy Terror
10) Road Trip
11) First Born
12) Sharp Teeth
13) The Purge
14) Captives
15) #thinman
16) Blade Runners
18) Meta Fiction
20) Bloodlines


Robert SingerRobert Singer [3 Episodes]
Thomas J. WrightThomas J. Wright [3 Episodes]
John F. Showalter [2 Episodes]
Guy Norman BeeGuy Norman Bee [2 Episodes]
Jeannot SzwarcJeannot Szwarc [1 Episodes]
Philip SgricciaPhilip Sgriccia [1 Episodes]
John BadhamJohn Badham [1 Episodes]
Stefan PleszczynskiStefan Pleszczynski [1 Episodes]
Kevin HooksKevin Hooks [1 Episodes]
Jerry Wanek [1 Episodes]
Serge Ladouceur [1 Episodes]
Robert SperaRobert Spera [1 Episodes]
Kevin Parks [1 Episodes]
P.j.pesce [1 Episodes]
John Maccarthy [1 Episodes]
Tim AndrewTim Andrew [1 Episodes]
Misha CollinsMisha Collins [1 Episodes]


Jensen AcklesJensen Ackles  (Dean Winchester)[23 Episodes]
Misha CollinsMisha Collins  (Castiel)[11 Episodes]
Mark SheppardMark Sheppard  (Crowley)[9 Episodes]
Tahmoh PenikettTahmoh Penikett  (Gadreel)[6 Episodes]
Alaina HuffmanAlaina Huffman  (Abaddon)[5 Episodes]
Alaina HuffmanAlaina Huffman  (Josie Sands)[5 Episodes]
Curtis ArmstrongCurtis Armstrong  (Metatron)[5 Episodes]
Osric ChauOsric Chau  (Kevin Tran)[4 Episodes]
Erica CarrollErica Carroll  (Hannah)[3 Episodes]
Kavan SmithKavan Smith  [3 Episodes]
Timothy OmundsonTimothy Omundson  (Caino)[2 Episodes]
Danielle Kremeniuk  (Ingrid)[2 Episodes]
Jessie FraserJessie Fraser  [2 Episodes]
Gil MckinneyGil Mckinney  [2 Episodes]
Kailey Spear  [2 Episodes]
Adam J. HarringtonAdam J. Harrington  [2 Episodes]
Malcolm Masters  [2 Episodes]
Jim BeaverJim Beaver  (Bobby Singer)[1 Episodes]
Benjamin Rogers  (Mark)[1 Episodes]
A.J. BuckleyA.J. Buckley  (Ed Zeddmore)[1 Episodes]
Travis WesterTravis Wester  (Harry Spengler)[1 Episodes]
Lindsey McKeonLindsey McKeon  (Tessa)[1 Episodes]
Gardiner MillarGardiner Millar  (Wrath)[1 Episodes]
Julian RichingsJulian Richings  (Morte)[1 Episodes]
Felicia DayFelicia Day  (Charlie Bradbury)[1 Episodes]
Lauren TomLauren Tom  (Linda Tran)[1 Episodes]
Dan PayneDan Payne  (Alexander Sarver)[1 Episodes]
Sarah SmythSarah Smyth  (Bess Meyers)[1 Episodes]
Katherine Ramdeen  (Alex Jones)[1 Episodes]
Greyston HoltGreyston Holt  (Dale)[1 Episodes]
Sean FarisSean Faris  (Julian Duval)[1 Episodes]
Melissa RoxburghMelissa Roxburgh  (Lila Duval)[1 Episodes]
Lucien LaviscountLucien Laviscount  (Ennis Ross)[1 Episodes]
Bryce JohnsonBryce Johnson  (Sal Lassiter)[1 Episodes]
Ken Lawson  (Prof. Graham)[1 Episodes]
Gardiner MillarGardiner Millar  (Marv)[1 Episodes]
Kurt OstlundKurt Ostlund  (Stuart Blake)[1 Episodes]
Greg Zach  [1 Episodes]
Kylee Bush  [1 Episodes]
Breann Grainger  [1 Episodes]
Jesse HutchJesse Hutch  [1 Episodes]
Kevin O'Grady  [1 Episodes]
Rj FetherstonhaughRj Fetherstonhaugh  [1 Episodes]
Olivia Ryan SternOlivia Ryan Stern  [1 Episodes]
Mac Dodge  [1 Episodes]
Rachel Hayward  [1 Episodes]
James KirkJames Kirk  [1 Episodes]
Sage BrocklebankSage Brocklebank  [1 Episodes]
Kwesi AmeyawKwesi Ameyaw  [1 Episodes]
Sarwan Badesha  [1 Episodes]
Julian Leblanc  [1 Episodes]
Matt Ellis  [1 Episodes]
Bill Marchant  [1 Episodes]
Leo RanoLeo Rano  [1 Episodes]
Laura Soltis  [1 Episodes]
Bulat Nasibullin  [1 Episodes]
Radek Hewson  [1 Episodes]
Darla Taylor  [1 Episodes]
Rebecca Marshall  [1 Episodes]
David Milchard  [1 Episodes]
Robin Nielsen  [1 Episodes]
Lina RoesslerLina Roessler  [1 Episodes]
Alex Heymann  [1 Episodes]
Ingrid TorranceIngrid Torrance  [1 Episodes]
Edwin Perez  [1 Episodes]
Brendan Riggs  [1 Episodes]
Sonny Litt  [1 Episodes]
Lenard Stanga  [1 Episodes]
Robert Mann  [1 Episodes]
Theo Devaney  [1 Episodes]
Elizabeth ReinersElizabeth Reiners  [1 Episodes]
Jordyn ashley Olson  [1 Episodes]
Grace Sherman  [1 Episodes]
Hailey Birnie  [1 Episodes]
Paula Shaw  [1 Episodes]
Corey SevierCorey Sevier  [1 Episodes]
Xantha Radley  [1 Episodes]
Gildart JacksonGildart Jackson  [1 Episodes]
Lindy BoothLindy Booth  [1 Episodes]
Shannon LucioShannon Lucio  [1 Episodes]
Maria Marlow  [1 Episodes]
Brenna O'brien  [1 Episodes]
Kate Crutchlow  [1 Episodes]
Bill Croft  [1 Episodes]
Regan Ross  [1 Episodes]
Nicholas Carella  [1 Episodes]
Carmen MooreCarmen Moore  [1 Episodes]
Andrew JenkinsAndrew Jenkins  [1 Episodes]
Hunter DillonHunter Dillon  [1 Episodes]
Owen Mason  [1 Episodes]
Kevin Brief  [1 Episodes]
Steve Oatway  [1 Episodes]
Michelle Ferguson  [1 Episodes]
Max Kashetsky  [1 Episodes]
Forbes Angus  [1 Episodes]
Darren Moore  [1 Episodes]
Giles PantonGiles Panton  [1 Episodes]
Dean Aylesworth  [1 Episodes]
Troy Mundle  [1 Episodes]
Georgie Daburas  [1 Episodes]
Elishia Perosa  [1 Episodes]
Tiera SkovbyeTiera Skovbye  [1 Episodes]
Amanda Mcewan  [1 Episodes]
Karin KonovalKarin Konoval  [1 Episodes]
Kaniehtiio HornKaniehtiio Horn  [1 Episodes]
Lisa Durupt  [1 Episodes]
Brock Johnson  [1 Episodes]
Lisa Macfadden  [1 Episodes]
Dylan Everett  [1 Episodes]
Jarrett Knowles  [1 Episodes]
Dean MarshallDean Marshall  [1 Episodes]
Enid-raye AdamsEnid-raye Adams  [1 Episodes]
James PaladinoJames Paladino  [1 Episodes]
Jaren Moore  [1 Episodes]
Devin Johnston  [1 Episodes]
Hannah Pederson  [1 Episodes]
Anthony KonechnyAnthony Konechny  [1 Episodes]
Larry Hoe  [1 Episodes]
Josh A. young  [1 Episodes]
Gordon Michael WoolvettGordon Michael Woolvett  [1 Episodes]
Jennifer Paterson  [1 Episodes]
Paul RaePaul Rae  [1 Episodes]
Kyle Rideout  [1 Episodes]
John Innes  [1 Episodes]
Rebecca Olson  [1 Episodes]
Kurtis Maguire  [1 Episodes]
Anson Hibbert  [1 Episodes]
Maya Massar  [1 Episodes]
Romeo Reyes  [1 Episodes]
Gabrielle Giraud  [1 Episodes]
Ben Wilkinson  [1 Episodes]
Erinn WestbrookErinn Westbrook  [1 Episodes]
Priya Rajaratnam  [1 Episodes]
Allen Sawkins  [1 Episodes]
Dean Elliott  [1 Episodes]
Ali Webb  [1 Episodes]
Joseph Julian soriaJoseph Julian soria  [1 Episodes]
Farryn Vanhumbeck  [1 Episodes]
Michael Smith  [1 Episodes]
Jennifer OleksiukJennifer Oleksiuk  [1 Episodes]
Sarah DesjardinsSarah Desjardins  [1 Episodes]
Donald Sales  [1 Episodes]
Matt Hamilton  [1 Episodes]
Blake GibbonsBlake Gibbons  [1 Episodes]
Reid Morgan  [1 Episodes]
Tanya ClarkeTanya Clarke  [1 Episodes]
Britt IrvinBritt Irvin  [1 Episodes]
Tommy Campbell  [1 Episodes]
Pablo Coffey  [1 Episodes]
Alika Autran  [1 Episodes]
Pamela A. cain  [1 Episodes]
Kalvin Olafson  [1 Episodes]
Conor Gomez  [1 Episodes]
Carri Toivanen  [1 Episodes]
Kurt Max Runte  [1 Episodes]
Jessica HarmonJessica Harmon  [1 Episodes]
Edward Ruttle  [1 Episodes]
Mathias Retamal  [1 Episodes]
Alexis Kellum-creer  [1 Episodes]
David Mott  [1 Episodes]
Travis Macdonald  [1 Episodes]
Chris Robson  [1 Episodes]
Arpad BaloghArpad Balogh  [1 Episodes]
Sean Tyson  [1 Episodes]
Ben Sullivan  [1 Episodes]
Dustin Schwartz  [1 Episodes]
Richard Jr.speightRichard Jr.speight  [1 Episodes]
Lyle Reginald  [1 Episodes]
Lindsay Maxwell  [1 Episodes]
Susie AbromeitSusie Abromeit  [1 Episodes]
Demord Dann  [1 Episodes]
James Immekus  [1 Episodes]
Broadus Mattison  [1 Episodes]
Joel Sturrock  [1 Episodes]
Douglas Roy dack  [1 Episodes]
Shayn SolbergShayn Solberg  [1 Episodes]
Cardi Wong  [1 Episodes]
Amanda Lisman  [1 Episodes]
John Trottier  [1 Episodes]
Steven Merk  [1 Episodes]
Ashton HolmesAshton Holmes  [1 Episodes]
Peter Benson  [1 Episodes]
Graeme McComb  [1 Episodes]
Guyle Fraizer  [1 Episodes]
Wesley Macinnes  [1 Episodes]
Hannah Longworth  [1 Episodes]
Ross Douglas noble  [1 Episodes]
Marilyn NorryMarilyn Norry  [1 Episodes]
Sarah Deakins  [1 Episodes]
Reilly Dolman  [1 Episodes]
Michael J RogersMichael J Rogers  [1 Episodes]
Giovanni Mocibob  [1 Episodes]
Jenny O'HaraJenny O'Hara  [1 Episodes]
Anabelle AcostaAnabelle Acosta  [1 Episodes]
Patricia HarrasPatricia Harras  [1 Episodes]
Sharon Coleman  [1 Episodes]
Mackenzie Cardwell  [1 Episodes]
Liam Sproule  [1 Episodes]
Danielle SavreDanielle Savre  [1 Episodes]
Nicole PolizziNicole Polizzi  [1 Episodes]
Andrew Baker  [1 Episodes]
Noel Johansen  [1 Episodes]
Ryan alexander Mcdonald  [1 Episodes]
Chris West  [1 Episodes]
Sean michael KyerSean michael Kyer  [1 Episodes]
Darla Fay  [1 Episodes]
Madelyn Grace  [1 Episodes]
Eve Gordon  [1 Episodes]
Daniel Whittaker  [1 Episodes]
Steve ValentineSteve Valentine  [1 Episodes]
Anna GalvinAnna Galvin  [1 Episodes]
Jason CermakJason Cermak  [1 Episodes]
Jackie Blackmore  [1 Episodes]
Ellen Ewusie  [1 Episodes]
Brent Mclaren  [1 Episodes]
Mohit Anand  [1 Episodes]
Kaaren DezilvaKaaren Dezilva  [1 Episodes]
Nicholas CoombeNicholas Coombe  [1 Episodes]
Christine Bortolin  [1 Episodes]
James Stratton  [1 Episodes]
Marco Soriano  [1 Episodes]
Stephen Monroe TaylorStephen Monroe Taylor  [1 Episodes]
Adam Lolacher  [1 Episodes]
Dena Ashbaugh  [1 Episodes]
Arlina Rodriguez  [1 Episodes]
Michelle Martin  [1 Episodes]
Tom ButlerTom Butler  [1 Episodes]
Gemma Isaac  [1 Episodes]
Michael KopsaMichael Kopsa  [1 Episodes]
Gracie GillamGracie Gillam  [1 Episodes]
Tatiana Turner  [1 Episodes]
Emily MaddisonEmily Maddison  [1 Episodes]
Artine tony Browne  [1 Episodes]
Rowland PidlubnyRowland Pidlubny  [1 Episodes]
Andrew Dunbar  [1 Episodes]
Garrett Black  [1 Episodes]
Tom McbeathTom Mcbeath  [1 Episodes]
Carolyn Wong  [1 Episodes]
James Melville  [1 Episodes]
Stefano Giulianetti  [1 Episodes]
Brendon ZubBrendon Zub  [1 Episodes]
Brian Neal  [1 Episodes]
Vanessa Walsh  [1 Episodes]
Michele sweeney Abrams  [1 Episodes]
Matthew Mclellan  [1 Episodes]
Ashley CrowAshley Crow  [1 Episodes]
Erin KarplukErin Karpluk  [1 Episodes]