Nacimiento: 16 de diciembre de 1917
Muerte: 19 de marzo de 2008 a los 90 años

film tratti dalle opere scritte da Arthur C.clarke
- 2008 The Last Theorem
- 2007 Firstborn
- 2005 Sunstorm
- 2003 Time's Eye
- 2000 The Light of Other Days
- 1999 The Trigger
- 1997 3001: The Final Odyssey
- 1996 Richter 10
- 1993 Il Rama Revealed
- The Hammer of God
- 1991 The Garden of Rama
- 1990 The Ghost from the Grand Banks
- Beyond the Fall of Night
- 1989 Rama II
- 1988 Cradle
- 1987 2061: Odyssey Three
- 1986 The Songs of Distant Earth
- 1982 2010: Odyssey Two
- 1979 The Fountains of Paradise
- 1975 Imperial Earth
- 1973 Rendez-Vous with Rama
- 1968 2001: A Space Odyssey
- 1963 People of the Sea
- Dolphin Island
- Glide Path
- 1961 A Fall of Moondust
- 1957 The Deep Range
- 1956 The City and the Stars
- 1955 The Star
- Earthlight
- 1953 Childhood's End
- 1952 Islands in the Sky
- 1951 The Sands of Mars
- Prelude to Space
- 1948 Against the Fall of Night