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the heart of the hills (1916)

Titre original: the heart of the hills
Production: USA| |

Mise en scène

Richard Ridgelyregista

Interprètes et Personnages

Conway TearleConway Tearle(età:38)
(conway tearle)
Bigelow Cooper
(bigelow cooper)
Raymond McKeeRaymond McKee(età:24)
(raymond mckee)
Marie La corio
(marie la corio)
Herbert PriorHerbert Prior(età:49)
Come George wright
(come george wright)
Edith Strickland
(edith strickland)
Crauford Kent(età:35)
(crauford kent)
Charles Sutton
(charles sutton)
Henry Leone
(henry leone)
mabel trunnelle
robert conness

Personnel technique

George W. lanedirettore della fotografia