Naissance: 9 mars 1891
Mort: 21 novembre 1969 à 78 ans
The Man Who Knew Too Much
film tratti dalle opere scritte da D.b.wyndham Lewis
- 1968 the world of goya
- 1962 the shadow of cervantes
- 1959 a florentine portrait: st philip benizi 1233-85
- molière: the comic mask
- 1957 doctor rabelais
- 1952 the soul of marshal gilles de raiz
- the terror of st trinians
- 1948 four favourites
- 1946 the hooded hawk: or, the case of mr. boswell
- 1944 ronsard
- take it to bed
- 1941 beyond the headlines
- i couldn't help laughing!: an anthology of war-time humour
- 1936 the nonsensibus
- 1934 the man who knew too much
- 1931 emperor of the west: a study of charles the fifth
- welcome to all this
- 1930 the stuffed owl: an anthology of bad verse
- 1929 king spider: some aspects of louis xi of france and his companions
- on straw, and other conceits
- 1928 françois villon: a documented survey
- 1925 at the blue moon again
- 1924 at the sign of the blue moon
- 1923 at the green goose
- 1922 a london farrago