Naissance: 1 septembre 1875
Mort: 19 mars 1950 à 74 ans
film tratti dalle opere scritte da Edgar Rice Burroughs
- 1970 pirate blood
- 1967 i am a barbarian
- 1966 the efficiency expert
- 1965 the girl from farris'
- 1964 tangor returns
- the wizard of venus
- 1948 llana of gathol
- 1944 la nd of terror
- Tarzan and the Foreign Legion
- 1943 skeleton men of jupiter
- 1942 beyond the farthest star
- war on venus
- 1941 black pirates of barsoom
- goddess of fire
- invisible men of mars
- john carter and the giants of mars
- slaves of the fish-men
- the ancient dead
- the living dead
- yellow men of mars
- Tarzan and the Castaways
- 1940 synthetic men of mars
- the deputy sheriff of comanche county
- Tarzan and the Madman
- 1939 carson of venus
- the scientists revolt (anche beware!)
- 1938 the lad and the lion
- the oakdale affair and the rider
- Tarzan and the Forbidden City
- 1937 back to the stone age
- the resurrection of jimber-jaw
- 1936 swords of mars
- Tarzan the Magnificent
- Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins
- 1935 lost on venus
- Tarzan and the Leopard Men
- Tarzan's Quest
- 1934 pirates of venus
- 1933 Tarzan and the Lion Man
- 1932 jungle girl
- Tarzan and the City of Gold
- 1931 a fighting man of mars
- man without a soul
- the land of hidden men
- Tarzan Triumphant
- 1930 Tarzan the Invincible
- 1929 tanar of pellucidar
- Tarzan at the Earth's Core
- the monster men (rielaborazione di a man without a soul)
the master mind of mars
- Tarzan and the Lost Empire
- 1927 the outlaw of torn
- Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle
- 1926 the mad king
- 1925 the bandit of hell's bend
- the cave girl
- the moon men
- the red hawk
- 1924 Tarzan and the Ant Men
- 1923 the girl from hollywood
- the moon maid
the chessmen of mars
- Tarzan and the Golden Lion
- 1921 the mucker
- Tarzan the Terrible
- 1920 thuvia, maid of mars
- 1919 Tarzan the Untamed
- 1918 the land that time forgot
- the people that time forgot
- out of time's abyss
- 1917 Jungle Tales of Tarzan
- 1916 Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar
- 1915 pellucidar
- the lost continent
- The Son of Tarzan
- 1914 at the earth's cor
- the warlord of mars
- at the earth's core
- The Beasts of Tarzan
- 1913 the gods of mars
- the gods of mars
- The Return of Tarzan
- 1912 under the moons of mars
- Tarzan of the Apes