Naissance: 7 janvier 1964
Hauteur: 183 cm
Concours et prix
- Oscar 1996 -
miglior attore
pour le film Leaving Las Vegas - Golden Globe 1996 -
migliore attore in film drammatico
pour le film Leaving Las Vegas - saturn awards 2024 -
miglior attore non protagonista
pour le film Renfield - Oscar 2003 - nomination miglior attore
pour le film adaptation. - Golden Globe 2024 - nomination migliore attore in film commedia
pour le film Dream Scenario - Golden Globe 2003 - nomination migliore attore in film commedia
pour le film adaptation. - Golden Globe 1993 - nomination migliore attore in film commedia
pour le film Honeymoon in Vegas - Golden Globe 1988 - nomination migliore attore in film commedia
pour le film moonstruck - Bafta 2003 - nomination Best Actor in a Leading Role
pour le film adaptation. - Bafta 1996 - nomination Best Actor in a Leading Role
pour le film Leaving Las Vegas - saturn awards 2019 - nomination miglior attore
pour le film Mandy - saturn awards 1998 - nomination miglior attore
pour le film face/off - Razzie 2022 - nomination Razzie Redeemer Award
pour le film Pig - Razzie 2017 - nomination Worst Supporting Actor
pour le film snowden - Razzie 2015 - nomination Worst Actor
pour le film left behind - Razzie 2013 - nomination Worst Actor
pour le film ghost rider: spirit of vengeance - Razzie 2013 - nomination Worst Actor
pour le film Seeking Justice - Razzie 2012 - nomination Worst Actor
pour le film season of the witch - Razzie 2012 - nomination Worst Actor
pour le film drive angry - Razzie 2012 - nomination Worst Actor
pour le film trespass - Razzie 2012 - nomination Worst Screen Couple
pour le film season of the witch - Razzie 2012 - nomination Worst Screen Couple
pour le film drive angry - Razzie 2012 - nomination Worst Screen Couple
pour le film trespass