Naissance: 19 janvier 1921
Mort: 4 février 1995 à 74 ans
film tratti dalle opere scritte da Patricia Highsmith
- 1995 small g: a summer idyll
- 1991 ripley under water
- 1986 found in the street
- 1983 people who knock on the door
the boy who followed ripley
edith's diary
- 1974 ripley's game
- 1972 a dog's ransom
ripley under ground
- 1969 the tremor of forgery
- 1967 those who walk away
- 1965 the glass cell
- a suspension of mercy
- 1964 the two faces of january
- 1962 the cry of the owl
- 1960 this sweet sickness
- 1958 agame for the living
- miranda the panda is on the veranda
- 1957 deep water
- 1955 the talented mr. ripley
- 1954 the blunderer
- 1952 the price of salt
- 1950 strangers on a train