Nascita: 26 gennaio 1939
Morte: 29 dicembre 2018 a 79 anni



film tratti dalle opere scritte da Brian Garfield
- 2003 the hit and the marksman
- 1990 cemetery jones and the tombstone war
- 1989 manifest destiny
- 1984 necessity
- 1979 the marchand woman
- the paladin
- 1978 fear in a handful of dust
- wild times
- 1977 recoil
- 1975 act of piracy
- death sentence
- due sotto il divano
- target manhattan
- 1974 the romanov succession
- the threepersons hunt
- 1973 gangway!
- kolchak’s gold
- tripwire
- 1972 il giustiziere della notte
- line of succession
- relentless
- 1971 deep cover
- gundown
- sweeny’s honor
- what of terry conniston?
- 1970 sliphammer
- the hit
- the villiers touch
- valley of the shadow
- 1969 big country, big men
- gundown
- gun down
- 1968 arizona
- brand of the gun
- buchanan’s gun
- savage guns
- 1967 a badge for a badman
- rio chama
- the lusty breed
- the proud riders
- 1966 bugle & spur
- call me hazard
- the bravos
- the last bridge
- the wolf pack
- 1965 lynch law canyon
- the night it rained bullets
- 1964 mr. sixgun
- rails west
- rio concho
- the last outlaw
- the vanquished
- trail drive
- 1963 apache canyon
- dragoon pass
- high storm
- the big snow
- vultures in the sun
- 1962 7 brave men
- arizona rider
- massacre basin
- the lawbringers
- the rimfire murders
- 1961 the arizonans
- 1960 range justice