Database of cinema, music, history and literature

César 1986 (february 22, 1986)

le prix césar est un prix du cinéma décerné par l'académie des arts et techniques du cinéma depuis 1976.

Edition number 11 of the event; awards assigned:

Meilleur film

poster del film Three Men and a Cradle
  for the movie Three Men and a Cradle
nominations for the movie :

Meilleur film francophone

poster del film Derborence
  for the movie Derborence
nominations for the movie :

Meilleur réalisateur

poster del film Death in a French Garden
  for the movie Death in a French Garden
Assigned to
Michel Deville
nominations for the movie :

Meilleure actrice

poster del film Vagabond
  for the movie Vagabond
Assigned to
Sandrine Bonnaire
nominations for the movie :

Meilleur acteur

poster del film Subway
  for the movie Subway
Assigned to
Christopher Lambert
nominations for the movie :

Meilleure actrice dans un second rôle

poster del film An Impudent Girl
  for the movie An Impudent Girl
Assigned to
Bernadette Lafont
nominations for the movie :

Meilleure musique originale

poster del film Tangos, the Exile of Gardel
  for the movie Tangos, the Exile of Gardel
Assigned to
Astor Piazzolla
nominations for the movie :

Meilleure photographie

poster del film He Died with His Eyes Open
  for the movie He Died with His Eyes Open
Assigned to
Jean Penzer
nominations for the movie :
poster del film Rendez-vous
Assigned to
Renato Berta
poster del film Subway
Assigned to
Carlo Varini
poster del film Harem
Assigned to
Pasqualino De santis

Meilleur montage

poster del film Death in a French Garden
  for the movie Death in a French Garden
Assigned to
Raymonde Guyot
nominations for the movie :
poster del film Subway
Assigned to
Sophie Schmit
poster del film Police
Assigned to
Yann Dedet

Meilleurs décors

poster del film Subway
  for the movie Subway
Assigned to
Alexandre Trauner
nominations for the movie :

Meilleurs costumes

poster del film Harem
  for the movie Harem
Assigned to
Catherine Gorne-Achdjian, Olga Berluti
nominations for the movie :

Meilleur premier film

poster del film Tea in the Harem
  for the movie Tea in the Harem
Assigned to
Mehdi Charef
nominations for the movie :

Meilleure affiche

poster del film Harem
  for the movie Harem
nominations for the movie :