Database of cinema, music, history and literature

He Died with His Eyes Open (1985)

Original title: on ne meurt que deux fois
Production: France, UK|105 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie He Died with His Eyes Open

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Jacques DerayJacques Derayregista

Production and Screenplay

Jacques DerayJacques Deraysceneggiatore
Michel AudiardMichel Audiardsceneggiatore
Michel AudiardMichel Audiarddialoghi
Norbert Saadaproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

éric berliner
Riton Liebman(età:21)
jean-loup soeren
Gerard DarmonGerard Darmon(età:37)
margo berliner
robert staniland
barbara spark
hugo spark
Xavier DelucXavier Deluc(età:27)
Albert Delpy(età:45)
André ChazelAndré Chazel(età:52)
Jean Leuvrais(età:60)
Marc Lamole(età:51)
Daniel Verite(età:43)

Technical staff

Jean Penzerdirettore della fotografia
Corinne Jorrycostumista
Claude BollingClaude Bollingmusiche
Jacques Brizzioarredatore
Margot Capeliercasting
Henri LanoeHenri Lanoemontatore
Eric Mullertruccatore