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a hologram for the king (2016)

Original title: a hologram for the king
Production: France, Germany, UK, USA|97 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie a hologram for the king


Tom TykwerTom Tykwerregista

Production and Screenplay

Tom TykwerTom Tykwersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Alan Clay
Tom HanksTom Hanks(età:60)
karim al-ahmed
Ben WhishawBen Whishaw(età:36)
ron clay
Tom SkerrittTom Skerritt(età:83)
joe trivoli
Rolf SaxonRolf Saxon(età:61)
David MenkinDavid Menkin(età:39)
dott. hadad

Technical staff

Tom TykwerTom Tykwermusiche
Frank Griebedirettore della fotografia
Uli Hanischscenografo
Johnny Klimekmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2016)

Music tracks of the soundtrack