Database of cinema, music, history and literature

capote (2005)

Original title: capote
Production: USA|113 min
Dramatic, Historical, Crime
Poster of movie capote
in november 1959 the writer truman capote read an article about the murder of four members of a family of farmers, the clutters, in kansas. capote, who sees in the story the opportunity to prove that the news stories can become fascinating as novels, he goes to holcomb with his friend the writer nelle harper lee to investigate the incident and write a piece for 'the new yorker' . despite his eccentricity, the writer gains the trust of the locals and, once the two killers, perry smith and dick hickock, sentenced to death, become known, he realizes that the article for the magazine is becoming a book on the clash between two different americas.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Bennett MillerBennett Millerregista

Production and Screenplay

Dan FuttermanDan Futtermanproduttore
Dan FuttermanDan Futtermanproduttore esecutivo
Dan FuttermanDan Futtermansceneggiatore
William Vinceproduttore
Philip Seymour HoffmanPhilip Seymour Hoffmanproduttore esecutivo
Caroline Baronproduttore
Michael Ohovenproduttore
Danny Rosettproduttore esecutivo
Kerry Rockproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Truman Capote
Harper Lee
Alvin Dewey
Chris CooperChris Cooper(età:54)
Chris CooperChris Cooper(età:54)
Dick Hickock
Jack Dunphy
William Shawn
Bob BalabanBob Balaban(età:60)
Marie Dewey
Amy RyanAmy Ryan(età:36)
Richard Hickock
Laura Kinney
Warden Marshall Krutch
Marshall BellMarshall Bell(età:63)
Adam Kimmel(età:45)
John Maclaren(età:54)
Dana KimmellDana Kimmell(età:46)

Technical staff

Michael Dannamusiche
Adam Kimmeldirettore della fotografia
Avy KaufmanAvy Kaufmancasting
Jess Gonchorscenografo
Mychael DannaMychael Dannamusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2005)