Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Dirty Dancing (1987)

Original title: dirty dancing
Production: USA|100 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Dirty Dancing
spending the summer at a catskills resort with her family, frances "baby" houseman falls in love with the camp's dance instructor, johnny castle.
This movie is episode 1 of the series dirty dancing composed by:

Festivals and awards


Emile ArdolinoEmile Ardolinoregista

Production and Screenplay

Steven ReutherSteven Reutherproduttore esecutivo
Eleanor Bergsteinproduttore
Eleanor Bergsteinsceneggiatore
Eleanor Bergsteinscrittore
Mitchell Cannoldproduttore esecutivo
Linda Gottliebproduttore
Doro Bachrachproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

frances "baby" houseman
Jennifer GreyJennifer Grey(età:27)
johnny castle
dr. jake houseman
Jerry OrbachJerry Orbach(età:52)
marjorie houseman
Kelly BishopKelly Bishop(età:43)
penny johnson
lisa houseman
Jane Brucker(età:29)
max kellerman
Jack WestonJack Weston(età:63)
robbie gould
Max CantorMax Cantor(età:28)
vivian pressman
Wayne KnightWayne Knight(età:32)
Neal JonesNeal Jones(età:27)
Garry Goodrow(età:54)
Lonny Price(età:28)
Paula Trueman(età:90)
Charles ColesCharles Coles(età:76)

Technical staff

David Chapmanscenografo
Hilary Rosenfeldcostumista
Kenny Ortegacoreografo
Jeffrey Jurdirettore della fotografia
Berry GordyBerry Gordymusiche
Frankie Previtemusiche
John Denicolamusiche
David Forresttruccatore
Clay A. Griffitharredatore
Fríða Aradóttirparrucchiere
Peter C. frankmontatore
Mark Haackscenografo
Marlies Vallantparrucchiere
John MorrisJohn Morrismusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1987)

Music tracks of the soundtrack