Database of cinema, music, history and literature

fantastic mr. fox (2009)

Original title: fantastic mr. fox
Production: USA|87 min
Animation, Comedy, Adventure
Poster of movie fantastic mr. fox

Festivals and awards


Wes AndersonWes Andersonregista

Production and Screenplay

Wes AndersonWes Andersonsceneggiatore
Noah BaumbachNoah Baumbachsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

mr. f. f. fox
felicity fox
ash fox
franklin bean
coach skip
walter boggis
nathan bunce
figlio di bean
figlio di beaver

Technical staff

Tristan Oliverdirettore della fotografia
Randall Postermusiche
Andrew Weisblummontatore
Nelson Lowryscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2009)

Bruno Conti (attore)Bruno Conti (attore) Voice of nathan bunce
Gabriele PatriarcaGabriele Patriarca Voice of kristofferson
Maria Pia Di MeoMaria Pia Di Meo Voice of felicity fox
Alessandro BallicoAlessandro Ballico Voice of beaver
Carlo ValliCarlo Valli Voice of weasel
Massimo De AmbrosisMassimo De Ambrosis Voice of coach skip
Manuel MeliManuel Meli Voice of ash fox
Massimo CorizzaMassimo Corizza Voice of figlio di bean
Paolo BuglioniPaolo Buglioni Voice of franklin bean
Gabriele Martini Voice of walter boggis
Emilio CappuccioEmilio Cappuccio Voice of badger
Francesco PannofinoFrancesco Pannofino Voice of mr. f. f. fox
Roberto DraghettiRoberto Draghetti Voice of narratore
Mirko MazzantiMirko Mazzanti Voice of Petey

Version Originale(2009)

Hugo Guinness Voice of nathan bunce
Willem DafoeWillem Dafoe Voice of Rat
Wallace Wolodarsky Voice of Kylie
George ClooneyGeorge Clooney Voice of mr. f. f. fox
Wes AndersonWes Anderson Voice of weasel
Owen WilsonOwen Wilson Voice of coach skip
Eric Chase anderson Voice of kristofferson
Jason SchwartzmanJason Schwartzman Voice of ash fox
Jarvis CockerJarvis Cocker Voice of Petey
Robin Hurlstone Voice of walter boggis
Michael GambonMichael Gambon Voice of franklin bean
Bill MurrayBill Murray Voice of badger
Brian CoxBrian Cox Voice of giornalista

Music tracks of the soundtrack