Database of cinema, music, history and literature

fill the void (2012)

Original title: lemale et ha'halal
90 min
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie fill the void
when the older sister of shira, an 18-year-old hasidic israeli, dies suddenly in childbirth, shira must decide if she can and should marry her widowed brother-in-law, which also generates tensions within her extended family.

Festivals and awards


Rama Burshteinregista

Production and Screenplay

Rama Burshteinsceneggiatore
Rama Burshteinscrittore
Yigal Bursztynsceneggiatore
Assaf Amirproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Hila FeldmanHila Feldman(età:33)
Michael David Weigl(età:42)
(rabbino streicher)
Razia Israeli
(zia Hanna)
Yael Tan
Chaim Sharir
(rabbino aharon)
Irit Sheleg(età:54)
(rivka mendelman)
Yiftach KleinYiftach Klein(età:40)
(yochay goldberg)
Hadas YaronHadas Yaron(età:22)
(shira mendelman)
Renana RazRenana Raz(età:34)
(esther mendelman-goldberg)
signora anziana
rabbino capo
esther mendelman
Neta Moran(età:53)

Technical staff

Michael Korncasting
Yitzhak Azulaymusiche
Asaf Sudridirettore della fotografia
Sharon Elovicmontatore
Esther Ben-noontruccatore
Elinor Gigitruccatore
Hila Minstruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2012)

Graziella PolesinantiGraziella Polesinanti Voice of signora anziana
Giorgio LopezGiorgio Lopez Voice of rabbino capo
Francesca FiorentiniFrancesca Fiorentini Voice of esther mendelman