Database of cinema, music, history and literature

frenchman's creek (1944)

Original title: frenchman's creek
Production: USA|110 min|

Festivals and awards


Mitchell LeisenMitchell Leisenregista

Production and Screenplay

Talbot Jenningssceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Joan FontaineJoan Fontaine(età:27)
(joan fontaine)
Arturo De Córdova(età:36)
(arturo de córdova)
Basil RathboneBasil Rathbone(età:52)
(basil rathbone)
Nigel BruceNigel Bruce(età:49)
(nigel bruce)
Cecil KellawayCecil Kellaway(età:53)
(cecil kellaway)
Ralph Forbes(età:48)
(ralph forbes)
Harald Maresch(età:28)
(harald maresch)
Billy Daniel
(billy daniel)
Moyna McgillMoyna Mcgill(età:49)
(moyna macgill)
Patricia Barker
(patricia barker)
David James
(david james)
Audrey Westphal(età:22)
(audrey westphal)

Technical staff

Victor YoungVictor Youngmusiche
George BarnesGeorge Barnesdirettore della fotografia
Hans DreierHans Dreierscenografo
Alma MacrorieAlma Macroriemontatore
Sam ComerSam Comerscenografo
Ernst Fegtescenografo

Voices and Dubbing