Database of cinema, music, history and literature

from hell (2001)

Original title: from hell
Production: USA|122 min
Thriller, Horror, Crime
Poster of movie from hell
scotland yard investigator frederick abberline investigates the mysterious deaths of prostitutes in the infamous whitechapel district of london. he immediately realizes that the ferocious serial killer is not just any psychopath but that, instead, he must be a person with great medical knowledge. investigations lead him to investigate high society and this will be the cause of numerous and annoying problems that will hinder him from seeking the truth.

Festivals and awards

Historical episodes of setting


Albert HughesAlbert Hughesregista
Allen HughesAllen Hughesregista

Production and Screenplay

Don Murphyproduttore
Terry HayesTerry Hayessceneggiatore
Allan Scottproduttore
Rafael Yglesiassceneggiatore
Jane Hamsherproduttore
Peter Simpsonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Johnny DeppJohnny Depp(età:38)
(Frederick Abberline, investigatore)
Johnny DeppJohnny Depp(età:38)
(ispettore frederick abberline)
Ian HolmIan Holm(età:70)
(sir William Gull, dottore)
Ian HolmIan Holm(età:70)
(william gull)
Robbie ColtraneRobbie Coltrane(età:51)
(sergente PeterGoodley)
Robbie ColtraneRobbie Coltrane(età:51)
(sergente peter godley)
Heather GrahamHeather Graham(età:31)
(Mary Kelly, prostituta)
Ian RichardsonIan Richardson(età:67)
(sir Charles Warren, ispettore)
Ian RichardsonIan Richardson(età:67)
(sir charles warren)
Jason FlemyngJason Flemyng(età:35)
(netley, il cocchiere)
Susan LynchSusan Lynch(età:30)
(Liz Stride)
Katrin CartlidgeKatrin Cartlidge(età:40)
(dark annie chapman)
Bryon Fear
(Robert Best)
Lesley SharpLesley Sharp(età:41)
(Catherine Eddowes)
Lesley SharpLesley Sharp(età:41)
("kate" eddowes)
Terence Harvey
(Ben Kidney)
Estelle Skornik(età:30)
(Ada, prostituta francese)
Estelle Skornik(età:30)
Paul RhysPaul Rhys(età:38)
(dottor Ferral)
Nicholas Mcgaughey
(ufficiale bolt)
Annabelle Apsion
("polly" nichols)
Joanna PageJoanna Page(età:24)
(ann crook)
Mark DexterMark Dexter(età:28)
(albert sickert)
Liz Moscrop
(regina Vittoria)
mary kelly
Sophia MylesSophia Myles(età:21)

Technical staff

Trevor JonesTrevor Jonesmusiche
George BowersGeorge Bowersmontatore
Peter DemingPeter Demingdirettore della fotografia
Kym Barrettcostumista
Martin ChildsMartin Childsscenografo
Dan Lebentalmontatore
Mark Raggettscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2001)

Laura BoccaneraLaura Boccanera Voice of Liz Stride