Database of cinema, music, history and literature

good morning, vietnam (1987)

Original title: good morning, vietnam
Production: USA|122 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Historical
Poster of movie good morning, vietnam

Festivals and awards

Oscar 1988 - nomination miglior attore
Assigned to: Robin Williams

Historical episodes of setting


Barry LevinsonBarry Levinsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Mitch Markowitzsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

adrian cronauer
edward garlick
tenente steven hauk
Bruno KirbyBruno Kirby(età:38)
marty lee dreiwitz
Robert Wuhl(età:36)
sergente maggiore dickerson
J. T. WalshJ. T. Walsh(età:44)
generale taylor
soldato abersold
Richard EdsonRichard Edson(età:33)
phil mcpherson
dan levitan
eddie kirk
Floyd Vivino(età:36)
jimmy wah
censore #1
Dan Stanton(età:35)
censore #2
Don Stanton(età:35)
Richard M. Nixon

Technical staff

Raja GosnellRaja Gosnellmontatore
Alex NorthAlex Northmusiche
Stu Lindermontatore
Peter Sovadirettore della fotografia
Keith Dennycostumista
Roy Walkerscenografo
Eric Allwrighttruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1987)

Sandro IovinoSandro Iovino Voice of Richard M. Nixon

Music tracks of the soundtrack