Database of cinema, music, history and literature

hairspray (1988)

Original title: hairspray
Production: USA|88 min|
Comedy, Musical, Grotesque
two friends, a fat nice and extrovert, the other shy and oppressed by their parents, organize a big tv party under the banner of racial integration.


John Watersregista

Production and Screenplay

John Waterssceneggiatore
Robert ShayeRobert Shayeproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

franklin von tussle
Sonny BonoSonny Bono(età:53)
motormouth maybelle
Ruth Brown(età:60)
edna turnblad/arvin hodgepile
velma von tussle
Deborah HarryDeborah Harry(età:43)
tracy turnblad
Ricki LakeRicki Lake(età:20)
wilbur turnblad
Jerry StillerJerry Stiller(età:61)
amber von tussle
colleen fitzpatrick
psicologo pazzo
John Waters(età:42)
Pia ZadoraPia Zadora(età:34)
Ric OcasekRic Ocasek(età:39)
link larkin
penny pingleton
Mink StoleMink Stole(età:41)
corny collins
beatnik cat
Ric OcasekRic Ocasek(età:39)
Pia Zadora
Pia ZadoraPia Zadora(età:34)
beatnik chick
Pia ZadoraPia Zadora(età:34)
prudence pingleton
lo psichiatra
velma von tussle, beatnik chick
Holter Graham(età:16)
Josh CharlesJosh Charles(età:17)

Technical staff

Janice Hamptonmontatore
Vincent Peranioscenografo
Van Smithcostumista
David Insleydirettore della fotografia
Kenny Vancemusiche
Chuckie Dennistruccatore
Nancy Broadfoottruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1988)

Melina MartelloMelina Martello Voice of velma von tussle, beatnik chick