Database of cinema, music, history and literature

head-on (2004)

Original title: gegen die wand
Production: Germany, USA|121 min
Dramatic, Psychological, Romantic
Poster of movie head-on
can one end his life without killing himself? the doctor whispers. and cahit, 40, whose numerous attempted suicides have finally led him to a psychiatric clinic, knows very well how: starting a new life. yet the anguish that fills his soul continues to make him a slave to alcohol and drugs, with which he hopes to quell his pain. sibel - young, beautiful and like cahit, turkish-german, loves life too much to be a good muslim girl. to escape her imprisonment from her devout and conservative family, the girl stages a fake suicide, which, however, will only cover her with shame, without bringing her the hoped-for freedom. only marriage can save her, so she asks cahit to marry her. reluctantly, he eventually accepts. maybe to save her, or maybe just to do something that makes sense in her life. the two young people begin to live together, under the same roof, but apart from that, there is little that unites them. you savor the much desired freedom; he has some casual flirting. until love enters on tiptoe in cahit's life. sibel gave him joy and renewed courage. however, the woman continues to see other men too, until she too realizes that she loves cahit. unfortunately it is too late: an explosion of jealousy causes the death of a man. cahit ends up in jail and sibel flees to turkey. but his heart, his mind and his soul are still together with cahit - but how long will it last?

Festivals and awards


Fatih Akinregista

Production and Screenplay

Mehmet KurtulusMehmet Kurtulusproduttore
Fatih Akinproduttore
Fatih Akinsceneggiatore
Ali Akdenizproduttore
Andreas Thielproduttore
Jeanette WürlJeanette Würlproduttore
Stefan Schubertproduttore
Ralph Schwingelproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

cahit tomruk
Birol ÜnelBirol Ünel(età:43)
Sibel KekilliSibel Kekilli(età:24)
sibel güner
Sibel KekilliSibel Kekilli(età:24)
yunus güner
birsen güner
Meltem Cumbul(età:35)
yilmaz güner
barista del fabrik
il dottor schiller
Hermann Lause(età:65)
uomo al bancone
cliente del zoe bar
Fatih Akin(età:31)
Maceo Parker(età:61)
Idil ÜnerIdil Üner(età:33)
Tim SeyfiTim Seyfi(età:33)
Ralph Misske(età:45)

Technical staff

Rainer Klausmanndirettore della fotografia
Tamo Kunzscenografo
Alexander HackeAlexander Hackemusiche
Daniel Schrödertruccatore
Katrin Aschendorfcostumista
Maceo Parkermusiche
Nursen Balcitruccatore
Andrew Birdmontatore
Sirma Bradleyscenografo
Harika Uygurcasting
Mai Seckcasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2004)