Database of cinema, music, history and literature

hercules (1997)

Original title: hercules
Production: USA|93 min
Comedy, Action, Animation
Poster of movie hercules
the son of zeus and hera is stripped of his immortality as an infant and must become a true hero in order to reclaim it.
This movie is episode 35 of the series classici disney(disney classics)(disney classics) composed by:

Festivals and awards


Ron Clementsregista
John MuskerJohn Muskerregista

Production and Screenplay

Ron Clementsproduttore
Ron Clementssceneggiatore
John MuskerJohn Muskerproduttore
John MuskerJohn Muskersceneggiatore
Bob Shawsceneggiatore
Francis Glebasscrittore
Vance Gerryscrittore
Randy Cartwrightscrittore
Mark Kennedyscrittore
Don Mcenerysceneggiatore
Irene Mecchisceneggiatore
Bruce Morrisscrittore
Kendra Haalandproduttore
Thom Enriquezscrittore
Don Doughertyscrittore
Jeff Snowscrittore
Kelly Wightmanscrittore
Kirk Hansonscrittore
John Ramirezscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

ercole da giovane (canto)
ercole da giovane (dialoghi)
megara (canto)
megara (dialoghi)
thalia the muse of comedy
tour bus guide
apollo the sun god
teenage girls
heavyset woman
Little Boy
demetrius the pot maker
additional voices
Corey BurtonCorey Burton(età:42)

Technical staff

Mark Helfrichmontatore
Alan MenkenAlan Menkenmusiche
Gerald Scarfescenografo
David Zippelmusiche
Tom Finanmontatore
Rasoul Azadanidirettore della fotografia
Robert W. hedlandmontatore
Ruth Lambertcasting
Andy Gaskillscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Originale(1997)

Bobcat GoldthwaitBobcat Goldthwait Voice of Pena
Samantha EggarSamantha Eggar Voice of Era
Danny DeVitoDanny DeVito Voice of filottete
Cheryl Freeman Voice of melpomene
Paul ShafferPaul Shaffer Voice of ermes
Barbara BarrieBarbara Barrie Voice of alcmena
Lillias WhiteLillias White Voice of calliope
James WoodsJames Woods Voice of Ade
Tate DonovanTate Donovan Voice of Ercole
Jim CummingsJim Cummings Voice of nesso
Amanda PlummerAmanda Plummer Voice of cloto
Matt FrewerMatt Frewer Voice of Panico
Roz RyanRoz Ryan Voice of talia
Susan EganSusan Egan Voice of Megara
Josh KeatonJosh Keaton Voice of ercole da giovane (dialoghi)
Charlton HestonCharlton Heston Voice of narratore
Carole ShelleyCarole Shelley Voice of atropo
Patrick Pinney Voice of Ciclope
Vanéese Y. thomas Voice of Clio
Rip TornRip Torn Voice of Zeus
Roger BartRoger Bart Voice of ercole da giovane (canto)
LachanzeLachanze Voice of Tersicore
Paddi EdwardsPaddi Edwards Voice of lachesi
Hal HolbrookHal Holbrook Voice of anfitrione

Version Italia(1997)

Nino FormicolaNino Formicola Voice of Panico
Aurora CancianAurora Cancian Voice of Era
Giancarlo MagalliGiancarlo Magalli Voice of filottete
Lola Feghaly Voice of Tersicore
Vittorio Viviani Voice of Ciclope
Graziella PolesinantiGraziella Polesinanti Voice of lachesi
Raoul BovaRaoul Bova Voice of Ercole
Gianni Musy GloriGianni Musy Glori Voice of Zeus
Giancarlo PadoanGiancarlo Padoan Voice of nesso
Barbara ColaBarbara Cola Voice of megara (canto)
Andrea BrambillaAndrea Brambilla Voice of Pena
Paola GiannettiPaola Giannetti Voice of atropo
Stefano CrescentiniStefano Crescentini Voice of ercole da giovane (dialoghi)
Alex BaroniAlex Baroni Voice of ercole da giovane (canto)
Paola Repele Voice of melpomene
Veronica PivettiVeronica Pivetti Voice of megara (dialoghi)
Paola Folli Voice of Clio
Elena MagoiaElena Magoia Voice of cloto
Oreste RizziniOreste Rizzini Voice of narratore
Goffredo MatassiGoffredo Matassi Voice of anfitrione
Emanuela CortesiEmanuela Cortesi Voice of calliope
Massimo VenturielloMassimo Venturiello Voice of Ade
Lalla FranciaLalla Francia Voice of talia
Franca LumachiFranca Lumachi Voice of alcmena
Christian IansanteChristian Iansante Voice of ermes