horrible bosses (2011)
Original title: horrible bosses
Production: USA|98 min
This movie is episode 1 of the series horrible bosses composed by:
Seth Gordon: regista
Production and Screenplay
John Francis daley: sceneggiatore
Jonathan M. goldstein: sceneggiatore
Characters and Interpreters
nick hendricks
Jason Bateman(età:42)
dale arbus
Charlie Day(età:35)
kurt buckman
Jason Sudeikis(età:36)
dr. julia harris
Jennifer Aniston(età:42)
bobby pellit
Colin Farrell(età:35)
david harken
Kevin Spacey(età:52)
dean "fottimadre" jones
Jamie Foxx(età:44)
jack pellit
Donald Sutherland(età:77)
Meghan Markle(età:30)
kenny sommerfeld
P.J. Byrne(età:37)
Lindsay Sloane(età:34)
rhonda harken
Julie Bowen(età:41)
gigolò urofilo
lou sherman
John Francis daley(età:26)
Isaiah Mustafa(età:37)
Technical staff
Peter Teschner: montatore
David Hennings: direttore della fotografia
Christopher Lennertz: musiche
Shepherd Frankel: scenografo
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2011)
Barbara De Bortoli Voice of Julie Bowen
Roberto Draghetti Voice of Jamie Foxx
Eleonora De Angelis Voice of Jennifer Aniston
Valerio Ruggeri Voice of lou sherman
Pietro Biondi Voice of Donald Sutherland
Simone D'Andrea Voice of Colin Farrell
Simone Crisari Voice of Dale
Chiara Gioncardi Voice of Lindsay Sloane
Roberto Pedicini Voice of Kevin Spacey
Massimo De Ambrosis Voice of Jason Sudeikis