Database of cinema, music, history and literature

how to train your dragon: the hidden world (2019)

Original title: how to train your dragon: the hidden world
Production: Japan, USA|104 min
Action, Animation, Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie how to train your dragon: the hidden world
when hiccup discovers toothless isn't the only night fury, he must seek "the hidden world", a secret dragon utopia before a hired tyrant named grimmel finds it first.
This movie is episode 3 of the series dragon trainer composed by:

Festivals and awards


Dean Debloisregista

Production and Screenplay

Bonnie Arnoldproduttore
Doug Davisonproduttore
Roy Leeproduttore
Brad Lewisproduttore
Chris SandersChris Sandersproduttore esecutivo
Dean Debloisproduttore esecutivo
Dean Debloissceneggiatore
Dean Debloisscrittore
Michael A. connollyproduttore
Jed Schlangerproduttore
Kate Spencerproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

hiccup horrendous haddock iii
moccicoso jorgenson
stoick l'immenso
astrid hofferson
testaditufo thortson
grimmel il grifaio
skaracchio ruttans
testabruta thortson
gambedipesce igerman
griselda the grevious
young hiccup
ragnar the rock
chaghatai khan
spitelout / ivar the witless

Technical staff

John PowellJohn Powellmusiche
John K. carrmontatore
Christi Sopercasting
Gil Zimmermandirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2019)

Roberto DraghettiRoberto Draghetti Voice of stoick l'immenso
Carlo ValliCarlo Valli Voice of skaracchio ruttans
Letizia CiampaLetizia Ciampa Voice of testabruta thortson
Mattia Ward Voice of testaditufo thortson
Daniele GiulianiDaniele Giuliani Voice of eret
Gabriele PatriarcaGabriele Patriarca Voice of gambedipesce igerman
Francesca FiorentiniFrancesca Fiorentini Voice of Valka
Alessio NissolinoAlessio Nissolino Voice of moccicoso jorgenson

Version Originale(2019)

Craig Ferguson Voice of skaracchio ruttans
Jonah HillJonah Hill Voice of moccicoso jorgenson
Kristen WiigKristen Wiig Voice of testabruta thortson
Justin Ripple Voice of testaditufo thortson

Music tracks of the soundtrack