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ice age: collision course (2016)

Original title: ice age: collision course
Production: USA|94 min
Action, Animation, Comedy, Science fiction
Poster of movie ice age: collision course
when scrat's acorn sends an asteroid to earth, the herd must find a way to stop the asteroid from hitting earth with the help of a returning friend.
This movie is episode 5 of the series ice age composed by:


Mike Thurmeierregista
Galen T. churegista

Production and Screenplay

Carlos SaldanhaCarlos Saldanhaproduttore esecutivo
Lori Forteproduttore
Michael J. Wilsonsceneggiatore
Aubrey Solomonscrittore
Michael Bergsceneggiatore
Yoni Brennersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

shangri llama
buck, pitagora buck, robo buck
panicked start
neil debuck weasel
misty, bubbles
mariachi beaver
hyrax minister
party molehog
additional voices

Technical staff

John PowellJohn Powellmusiche
John DebneyJohn Debneymusiche
James M. palumbomontatore
Renato Falcãodirettore della fotografia
James Palumbomontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2016)

Giulia SantilliGiulia Santilli Voice of Gertie
Cristina NociCristina Noci Voice of nonnina
Lee RyanLee Ryan Voice of Eddie
Veronica PuccioVeronica Puccio Voice of Brooke
Pino InsegnoPino Insegno Voice of Diego
Sara FerrantiSara Ferranti Voice of Francine
Paolo MarchesePaolo Marchese Voice of neil debuck weasel
Hong-hu Ada perotti Voice of shira
Massimo GiulianiMassimo Giuliani Voice of Buck
Roberto DraghettiRoberto Draghetti Voice of Gavin
Niccolò GuidiNiccolò Guidi Voice of Julian
Filippo TimiFilippo Timi Voice of Manny
Marco MeteMarco Mete Voice of Teddy
Roberta LanfranchiRoberta Lanfranchi Voice of Ellie
Francesco PezzulliFrancesco Pezzulli Voice of Crash
Isabelle AdrianiIsabelle Adriani Voice of pesca
Roberto GamminoRoberto Gammino Voice of shangri llama
Claudio BisioClaudio Bisio Voice of Sid
Ilaria StagniIlaria Stagni Voice of misty, bubbles

Version Originale(2016)

Wanda SykesWanda Sykes Voice of nonnina
Josh PeckJosh Peck Voice of Eddie
Jessie JJessie J Voice of Brooke
Adam DevineAdam Devine Voice of Julian
Chris WedgeChris Wedge Voice of scrat
Neil Degrasse tysonNeil Degrasse tyson Voice of neil debuck weasel
Jennifer LopezJennifer Lopez Voice of shira
Simon PeggSimon Pegg Voice of buck, pitagora buck, robo buck
Nick OffermanNick Offerman Voice of Gavin
Jesse Tyler FergusonJesse Tyler Ferguson Voice of shangri llama
Melissa RauchMelissa Rauch Voice of Francine
Ray RomanoRay Romano Voice of Manny
Michael StrahanMichael Strahan Voice of Teddy
Queen LatifahQueen Latifah Voice of Ellie
Seann William scottSeann William scott Voice of Crash
Keke PalmerKeke Palmer Voice of pesca
Max GreenfieldMax Greenfield Voice of roger
Denis LearyDenis Leary Voice of Diego
Lilly SinghLilly Singh Voice of misty, bubbles
Stephanie BeatrizStephanie Beatriz Voice of Gertie

Music tracks of the soundtrack