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kobra (1973)

Original title: sssssss
Production: USA|99 min| |
Science fiction, Thriller


Production and Screenplay

Hal Dresnersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

dottor carl stoner
david blake
Dirk BenedictDirk Benedict(età:28)
kristina stoner
dottor ken daniels
Tim O'connorTim O'connor(età:46)
sceriffo dale hardison
Jack GingJack Ging(età:42)
kitty stewart
steve randall
Reb Brown(età:25)
morgan bock
Ted Grossman(età:42)
Charles SeelCharles Seel(età:76)
Ray Ballard(età:44)

Technical staff

Gerald Perry FinnermanGerald Perry Finnermandirettore della fotografia
Robert Wattsmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1973)