Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Chambermaid on the Titanic (1997)

Original title: la camarera del titanic
Production: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, USA|101 min
Dramatic, Erotic, Romantic
Poster of movie The Chambermaid on the Titanic
it is 1912 and horty, a young worker from a foundry in the north of france, wins the annual resistance race. the prize is a trip to southampton to watch the titanic depart. that night, away from home and wife, horty hosts a charming woman in her hotel room who will embark on the titanic the next day as a waitress. at home horty finds a nasty surprise waiting for him: some say that his wife zoe has slept with her master. in reaction, the young, furious, tells of his night of love with marie. the fourteenth of april the news of the shipwreck arrives and the name of marie does not appear in the list of survivors. sacked, horty is hired by a theater actor to stage the tragedy of the shipwreck. and just when his marriage seems happy again, here is marie appearing at the theater, among the spectators.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject

Historical episodes of setting


Production and Screenplay

Juan José Bigas lunaJuan José Bigas lunasceneggiatore
Jean-Louis Benoitsceneggiatore
Cuca Canalssceneggiatore
Massimo FerreroMassimo Ferreroproduttore esecutivo
Yves Marmionproduttore
Roberto Manniproduttore
Gerardo Herreroproduttore
Jean-Louis Benoîtsceneggiatore
Stéphane Sorlatproduttore
Mate Canteroproduttore
Martin Wiebelproduttore
Gérard Crosnierproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Didier Bezace(età:51)
Aldo MaccioneAldo Maccione(età:62)
Giorgio GobbiGiorgio Gobbi(età:40)
Enzo De caroEnzo De caro(età:39)

Technical staff

Kenout Peltiermontatore
Patrick Blossierdirettore della fotografia
Gualtiero Caprarascenografo
Bruno Cesariarredatore
Claudia Bianchiparrucchiere
Gino Zampriolitruccatore
Mirella Ginnotoparrucchiere
Franca Squarciapinocostumista
Roberto Riccieffetti speciali
Desirée CorridoniDesirée Corridoniparrucchiere
Laura Borsellitruccatore
Giuseppe Desiatotruccatore
Federico Laurentitruccatore
Kenout Peltriermontatore
Francesca De Simoneparrucchiere
Luca Zampiroliparrucchiere
Gaia Banchellitruccatore
Massimo Camilettitruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1997)